Kikeriki Theater - "Die Akte Schneewittchen"
at 7:30 PM
/ Oberursel
The KIKERIKI THEATER was founded by Roland Hotz in 1979 as an amateur puppet theater in Darmstadt. The first public performance for children was in 1980, and in 1984, the first full-length adult program premiered in Darmstadt. In 1992, part of the group turned puppetry into a profession, and after thirteen years of wandering, their own small theater was opened in Darmstadt in 1993.
The aim of the KIKERIKI THEATER is to present the old folk art of puppetry as a fixed part of our society's diverse cultural offerings. Equally important to us is to bring joy to people and give them laughter. We stand for cheerfulness, levity, and nonsense, but never for senselessness, as even we do not see any sense in that. The play of the KIKERIKI THEATER arises from the desire to look the people in the eye and not mince words. Small life problems, everyday tricks, and human weaknesses are presented with varying degrees of seriousness in our performances, sometimes heavy, sometimes light to digest.
The unique style of the KIKERIKI THEATER also includes a lovingly ironic handling of the specific dialect and way of life of the people in the South of Hesse. The KIKERIKI THEATER is a theater for the people, but not folkloric with a stale regional scent, but with honest, fresh country air, thus truly a people's theater in the truest sense.
The players of the KIKERIKI ensemble do not see themselves as actors in their evening programs, nor as cabaret artists, and possibly not even as puppeteers. Rather, they see themselves as comedians, jugglers, and fools who, in their performances, defiantly use irony to tackle everyday life, free from any educational or moral duty. Puppetry is a form of theater of utter unreality because the puppet is not a disguised actor, it does not pretend, "it is what it is": truly untrue. Therefore, its simplicity and transparency are honest and close. This openness makes the old folk art of puppetry particularly valuable in our highly technological, digital world today. In the comedic play of the KIKERIKI THEATER, the puppet is also always a three-dimensional caricature, and with delight, even the less pleasant characters are exaggerated to absurdity.
Laughter, as we believe, is not just an expression of joy but is also a very meaningful pressure relief valve that is as essential to life as humor, which acts as a kind of safety mechanism in our brains to protect us from the blows of life. Moreover, laughing is actually healthy. The heart beats faster, the blood is supplied with more oxygen, the blood vessels relax and improve blood flow, the diaphragm hops and massages the internal organs, the digestion process is stimulated, the brain releases the happiness hormones dopamine and endorphins and reduces the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline. The body produces more antibodies for the immune system, the breathing air rushes out of the mouth at over 100 kilometers per hour, and over 80 muscles are tensed and relaxed. But laughter is more. It is strength, comfort, and a cross-cultural symbol of peace. In Buddhism, the power of laughter has played a crucial role for centuries, and it is no coincidence that laughter seminars are offered worldwide and clown doctors are trained to heal sick children's souls.
Doors open: 6:30 PM - Free seating choice