You know how it will end beforehand - but afterwards can't remember a thing ... Every year again a festive dinner, white elephant gift exchange, dessert, the first spills, abandoning the seating order, first rounds of schnapps, the DJ arrives, then the dancing starts. At the end, some of the staff dance on the table while the others lie underneath.
In Gerzlich's company, the Christmas party was held yesterday, things got (heavenly) wild, and he has no clue about how or where this unholy evening ended. Even more unsettling is the fact that his wedding ring is now missing. In his mind, he reconstructs the events of last night: Over there were the sales team, there was the accounting department, and next to them was controlling. Supposedly, around 12:45 a.m., he left the venue with Jessica from HR. But is that true? Who says that, anyway? And most importantly: where is that darn wedding ring?
An Advent cabaret with heart, nonsense, candles, and humor from Gerzlich GmbHaHa & K.O. KG. Merry feasting & Happy sliding!