Friday, 5/9/2025 at 8:30 PM
Friday, 5/9/2025
at 8:30 PM
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Texte, „die an die Gedichte einer Mascha Kaleko oder eines Erich Kästners erinnern“ (WDR4), ein „warmherzig klingendes, wohlwollendes Sangesorgan, das durch ein herrlich zeitloses Geschehen leitet“ (Good Times) und ein Oboenstudium, was ihr „eine stabile Basis und Flügel verleiht“ (hr2 kultur) – das alles ist Miriam Hanika.
Vor allem aber ist die Musikerin durch ihren spielenden Wechsel zwischen Gesang, Oboe, Englischhorn und Klavier eine allen Konventionen ausgebüchste Ausnahmeerscheinung, die als Multiinstrumentalistin neue Maßstäbe setzt. Lyrische Texte, ein warmer Oboenton und außergewöhnliche Arrangements, solistisch oder mit dem Poesie Orchester – Miriam Hanikas Klangkosmos badet in der Grenzenlosigkeit der Musik.
Sie ist Preisträgerin zahlreicher Liedermacher-Wettbewerbe (u.A. Peter-Rohland-Singe-Wettstreit, Friedenssong-Wettbewerb Bonn). 2024 ist sie Förderpreisträgerin der Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung (Förderpreis für junge Liedermacher). 2021 erhielt Miriam Hanika das Stipendium für Musik der Stadt München und war gemeinsam mit dem Schlagzeuger Simon Popp Finalistin der internationalen Piazzolla Music Competition. Mit dem Dandelion Quintett gewann sie im Rahmen des internationalen Ars Ventus Wettbewerb für Kammermusik 2019 den ersten Preis.
Seit 2019 veröffentlicht Miriam Hanika ihre Alben bei Konstantin Weckers Label Sturm & Klang. Ihr zweites Album „Louise“ (2021) wurde für den Deutschen Schallplattenpreis nominiert.
Mit ihrer aktuellen Veröffentlichung „Wurzeln & Flügel“ (2023), ist sie zur Zeit deutschlandweit auf Tour. Im März 2025 wird ihr nächstes Album *innenleben (eine Zusammenarbeit mit dem Poesie Orchester und dem Dandelion Quintett) erscheinen, das Miriam Hanika dem Thema
Weiblichkeit gewidmet hat.
Miriam Hanika Trio
Miriam Hanika: Gesang, Oboe, Klavier
Elisa Wallis; Cello, Gesang, Bass
Misha Antonov: Klavier, Bass
Einlass: 19:30 Uhr
Texts that "recall the poems of a Mascha Kaleko or an Erich Kästner" (WDR4), a "warm-hearted, benevolent singing voice that leads through a wonderfully timeless event" (Good Times), and an oboe study, which "gives her a stable basis and wings" (hr2 kultur) – all this is Miriam Hanika.
Above all, the musician is an exception who has escaped all conventions through her playful switch between vocals, oboe, English horn, and piano, setting new standards as a multi-instrumentalist. Lyrical texts, a warm oboe tone, and extraordinary arrangements, solo or with the Poetic Orchestra – Miriam Hanika's sound cosmos bathes in the boundlessness of music.
She is the winner of numerous singer-songwriter competitions (including the Peter Rohland Singing Competition, Bonn Peace Song Competition). In 2024, she was the winner of the Hanns Seidel Foundation Sponsorship Award (Promotional Award for Young Singer-Songwriters). In 2021, Miriam Hanika received the Music Scholarship from the City of Munich and was a finalist of the international Piazzolla Music Competition together with drummer Simon Popp. With the Dandelion Quintet, she won first prize in the international Ars Ventus Chamber Music Competition 2019.
Since 2019, Miriam Hanika has been releasing her albums on Konstantin Wecker's label Sturm & Klang. Her second album "Louise" (2021) was nominated for the German Record Critics' Award.
With her latest release "Roots & Wings" (2023), she is currently on tour nationwide. In March 2025, her next album *innenleben (a collaboration with the Poetic Orchestra and the Dandelion Quintet) will be released, dedicated by Miriam Hanika to the theme
of femininity.
Miriam Hanika Trio
Miriam Hanika: Vocals, Oboe, Piano
Elisa Wallis: Cello, Vocals, Bass
Misha Antonov: Piano, Bass
Admittance: 7:30 PM
Event data provided by: Reservix
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Texts that "recall the poems of a Mascha Kaleko or an Erich Kästner" (WDR4), a "warm-hearted, benevolent singing voice that leads through a wonderfully timeless event" (Good Times), and an oboe study, which "gives her a stable basis and wings" (hr2 kultur) – all this is Miriam Hanika.
Above all, the musician is an exception who has escaped all conventions through her playful switch between vocals, oboe, English horn, and piano, setting new standards as a multi-instrumentalist. Lyrical texts, a warm oboe tone, and extraordinary arrangements, solo or with the Poetic Orchestra – Miriam Hanika's sound cosmos bathes in the boundlessness of music.
She is the winner of numerous singer-songwriter competitions (including the Peter Rohland Singing Competition, Bonn Peace Song Competition). In 2024, she was the winner of the Hanns Seidel Foundation Sponsorship Award (Promotional Award for Young Singer-Songwriters). In 2021, Miriam Hanika received the Music Scholarship from the City of Munich and was a finalist of the international Piazzolla Music Competition together with drummer Simon Popp. With the Dandelion Quintet, she won first prize in the international Ars Ventus Chamber Music Competition 2019.
Since 2019, Miriam Hanika has been releasing her albums on Konstantin Wecker's label Sturm & Klang. Her second album "Louise" (2021) was nominated for the German Record Critics' Award.
With her latest release "Roots & Wings" (2023), she is currently on tour nationwide. In March 2025, her next album *innenleben (a collaboration with the Poetic Orchestra and the Dandelion Quintet) will be released, dedicated by Miriam Hanika to the theme
of femininity.
Miriam Hanika Trio
Miriam Hanika: Vocals, Oboe, Piano
Elisa Wallis: Cello, Vocals, Bass
Misha Antonov: Piano, Bass
Admittance: 7:30 PM
Kelkheim (Taunus)
8:30 PM
from € 23.00