"Good Girl" by Aria Aber is an ecstatically thumping hymn to the lost intimacies of youth. A virtuoso debut novel and the harrowing portrait of a young artist caught in a whirlpool of sex, drugs, violence, emerging friendship, a disintegrating family, and grief.
A young woman can gain access to almost anything. How she then gets out from there is another question.
In old basement halls, where techno makes the walls still marked by the violence of the last century tremble, 19-year-old Nila encounters like-minded individuals. Lines are laid down while socialism is preached, and for Nila, this dark mass body is the escape from the Berlin high-rise where only refugees like her live, where the toilets are infested with silverfish and the walls are smeared with swastikas.
Only in intoxication does she escape the memory of her dead mother, once a great feminist revolutionary, now just a fleeting glimpse in the eyes of her weary father. For anyone who asks, her family is Greek, not Afghan.
And then Nila meets the American writer Marlowe Woods, who opens up a world of patrons and festivals to her, someone who has always wanted to write. Marlowe shares generously, but soon demands and expectations follow that far exceed the limits of what Nila can bear.
"Good Girl" will be published on February 27, 2025, by Claassen Verlag, 222 pages.
Aria Aber was born and raised in Germany and currently lives in Los Angeles. Her first poetry collection "Hard Damage" (2019) won the Prairie Schooner Prize. The former Stegner fellow, recipient of the 2020 Whiting Award, and current doctoral student at USC has published her poems in The New Yorker, New Republic, The Yale Review, Narrative, and POETRY.