Urban Priol - Im Fluss - Täglich quellfrisch, immer aktuell!
One cannot step into the same river twice, says Heraclitus, everything that is, is becoming. One thinks of the Berlin international airport and realizes: the ancient Greek was right. "Everything that is, is becoming" - this is the conclusion Urban Priol regularly comes to when he sits down to write his press release just before the deadline. Similar to a river in constant change, his new program is continuously evolving. With a watchful eye, the cabaret artist tracks the constant flow of political events, even though the German politics of the past years, especially the grand coalition, often seem more like a reservoir than a flowing stream. Priol is always up to date, spontaneous and sharply current, often mocking quicker than his shadow can think. He grumbles, thunders, flashes, and, like a cleansing storm, illuminates many things in a bright, cheerful light. The master of parody plows through the nightboundlessly, bringing complex connections to the point and transforming opaque-turbid whirlpools into pure spring water. With joy, he plunges into the current daily absurdity, delving into the abyss of the absurd, satirizing gleefully, having as much fun as his audience. "Im Fluss." is like a rafting trip, rushing with swift speed over cascades and past boulders through wild foaming rapids. Come along! Follow the motto of another great Greek philosopher, Costa Cordalis: "Get on the boat tonight!" You won't regret it.
Admission: 7:00 PM