The DJ for your party in the Aachen region & More:
- Weddings
- Birthdays
- Company parties
- Events
- Over-30 parties
- New Year's Eve
- Carnival
- Summer parties
- High school graduation parties
- Nightclubs
- Clubs
- Associations
- and more
House - Hip Hop - Charts - Party Music - 80s + 90s and more
Big Music Entertainment
Cinetower Cinemapark Alsdorf
Energeticon (Alsdorf)
Over-18 Party 2009
Over-18 Party 2010
Christmas party (Baesweiler)
Summer festival (Broichweiden)
Anniversary party - Beach party 2013/2014 (Herzogenrath)
Pepe Verde (Aachen)
New Year's Eve 2010
New Year's Eve 2011
Broichtals Gastronomy Company
Apollo (Aachen)
Coconut Groove Club (Aachen)
Disco on Ice (Ice rink Eschweiler)
Bistro Melodrama (Alsdorf)
Bistro Plasa Merkstein Top 100 Charts party 2013
Moby Dick (Übach-Palenberg)
Rockfabrick (Übach-Palenberg)
High school graduation party 2010 (Aachen)
50th birthday (Alsdorf / Guesthouse zur Klause)
Wedding 2011 (Alsdorf / Guesthouse zur Klause)
Baesweiler Tennis Club (Birthday party)
107.8 Antenne AC (Crew party)
Carnival party of the KJG Baesweiler - Beggendorf (2013)
ABBBA Evangelical Children & Youth Meeting
Karaoke party (Europa Festival, Alsdorf)
School-out party 2013
DJ & presenter at various internet radios
Commercial with actress Ekaterina Schmidt
Commercial with Mascha von Rascha
2x 30th birthday (May 2014 - Michael & Jenny)
Wedding 2014 Evangelical Church Übach (Stephan & Jenny)
Halloween Party 2014 (Home party)
Beach Party 2014 Himmerich (Bull riding) Music & Animation
Ranigo Entertainment
Bowling Center Geilenkirchen
Disco-Bowling 2011 (May - July)
Company Christmas party (Heinsberg 2011)
American Football Team "Kreis Heinsberg"
DJ Agency Discomia
Wedding 2012 (Bonn / Forest Café)
Extra/Actor (Privatdetektive im Einsatz + Auf Streife)
and more.