Following the motto "Crisis as an opportunity," Sascha Korf also takes something enduring from the pandemic period. "This can be seen not least in my little belly," admits Germany's most interactive cabaret artist. The improvisational artist also had plenty of time to come up with new stories and mischief. And so, his latest solo program "VENI, VIDI, WITZIG" is as usual: fast, funny, interactive, and current. In the past, one would drive two hours to the supermarket, now one can have three tomatoes delivered home in 10 minutes. Previously, 12 people were satisfied with a pot of chili. Nowadays, one cooks for 12 in seven different pots: vegan, regional, paleo, low carb, sustainable, and gluten-free.
Sascha's first poetry collection "Meine Pfanne und ich" fits into this theme, just like his novel "Sofa, so Good," both of which find a place on stage. Last but not least, the celebrities and politicians of the day are not spared. The evening is crowned with Sascha's traditional Schlager pantomime à la "Turbo" Korf!
But Sascha Korf wouldn't be Sascha Korf if he didn't chronically interact with the audience. The sympathetic and quick-witted Cologne native engages in verbal banter with his guests. This results in sensitive, delightful, and humorous dialogues on an equal footing. As the saying goes: At Korf's, you come as a stranger and leave as a friend.
"VENI, VIDI, WITZIG" is Sascha Korf's sixth stage program by now. The audience can expect an exquisite blend of stand-up, cabaret, and interaction: A grab bag that makes each evening unfold differently and holds some surprises. Let yourself be enchanted, entertained, and amused. Because with Sascha, you're sitting in the front row wherever you are.