Friday, 1/24/2025
at 7:30 PM

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In a few weeks, the Bundestag election will already take place. Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier said at the dissolution of the parliament at the end of December, "it is now time for problem-solving to become the core business of politics again." We want to discuss this with you and the parties. It is about the best concepts, the significance of the election for Berlin, and the challenges of the election campaign itself. We are pleased to invite you to the Zoo Palast. The leading candidates of the parties* will discuss with us.

Dr. Jan-Marco Luzcak, leading candidate of the CDU Berlin
Lisa Paus, leading candidate B90/Greens Berlin
Beatrix von Storch, leading candidate AfD Berlin
Ruppert Stüwe, leading candidate of the SPD Berlin
Oliver Ruhnert, leading candidate BSW Berlin
Ines Schwerdtner, party chair of Die Linke
Christoph Meyer, MdB, leading candidate FDP Berlin
Moderation: Peter Schink, editor-in-chief Berliner Morgenpost

On Friday, January 24, 2025
at 7:30 PM
at Zoo Palast Berlin
(Hardenbergstr. 29A, 10623 Berlin)

* All parties that are already represented in the Bundestag or currently have a chance of entering the parliament according to current polls have been invited. Due to the short notice, not all leading candidates have confirmed yet.

Note: During the event, photo and video recordings will be made. By participating in the event, you agree to their publication by the Berliner Morgenpost as part of editorial reporting, as well as for advertising measures through various media channels.

Doors open: 7 PM

Unfortunately, the event is fully booked.

Event data provided by: Reservix

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