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Hörspielfans aufgepasst! Geräuschemacher Jörg Klinkenberg gewährt am Die drei ??? Cube im Alexa Berlin einen spannenden Blick hinter die Kulissen der Hörspielproduktion und verrät überraschende Kniffe und Tricks. Ein außergewöhnliches Erlebnis zum Hören, Sehen und Mitmachen. Copyright: Jean Marie GillesAudio drama fans, pay attention! Sound designer Jörg Klinkenberg provides an exciting behind-the-scenes look at audio drama production at the Die drei ??? Cube in Alexa Berlin and reveals surprising tips and tricks. An extraordinary experience for listening, seeing, and participating. Copyright: Jean Marie Gilles
About "Die drei ???" Since 1964, Justus Jonas, Peter Shaw, and Bob Andrews have been investigating exciting cases and solving mysterious puzzles as "Die drei ???". The boys from Rocky Beach take on every case – and have often found themselves in precarious situations. With well over 225 cases as books and audio plays, the stories of the three detectives have captivated numerous boys and girls – even across multiple generations.
About "Die drei ???" Since 1964, Justus Jonas, Peter Shaw, and Bob Andrews have been investigating exciting cases and solving mysterious puzzles as "Die drei ???". The boys from Rocky Beach take on every case – and have often found themselves in precarious situations. With well over 225 cases as books and audio plays, the stories of the three detectives have captivated numerous boys and girls – even across multiple generations.
About Die drei ??? Since 1964, Justus Jonas, Peter Shaw, and Bob Andrews have been solving thrilling cases and unraveling mysterious puzzles as "Die drei ???". The boys from Rocky Beach take on every case and have often found themselves in precarious situations. With well over 225 cases in book and radio play form, the stories of the three detectives have inspired numerous boys and girls across generations.
About "Die drei ???" Since 1964, Justus Jonas, Peter Shaw, and Bob Andrews have been investigating exciting cases and solving mysterious puzzles as "Die drei ???". The boys from Rocky Beach take on every case – and have often found themselves in precarious situations. With well over 225 cases as books and audio plays, the stories of the three detectives have captivated numerous boys and girls – even across multiple generations.
About Die drei ??? Since 1964, Justus Jonas, Peter Shaw, and Bob Andrews have been solving thrilling cases and unraveling mysterious puzzles as "Die drei ???". The boys from Rocky Beach take on every case and have often found themselves in precarious situations. With well over 225 cases in book and radio play form, the stories of the three detectives have inspired numerous boys and girls across generations.
About Die drei ??? Since 1964, Justus Jonas, Peter Shaw, and Bob Andrews have been solving thrilling cases and unraveling mysterious puzzles as "Die drei ???". The boys from Rocky Beach take on every case and have often found themselves in precarious situations. With well over 225 cases in book and radio play form, the stories of the three detectives have inspired numerous boys and girls across generations.
About Die drei ??? Since 1964, Justus Jonas, Peter Shaw, and Bob Andrews have been solving exciting cases and mysterious puzzles as "Die drei ???." The boys from Rocky Beach take on every case – and have often found themselves in tricky situations. With well over 225 cases as books and radio plays, the stories of the three detectives have captivated numerous boys and girls – across multiple generations.
About Die drei ??? Since 1964, Justus Jonas, Peter Shaw, and Bob Andrews have been solving thrilling cases and unraveling mysterious puzzles as "Die drei ???". The boys from Rocky Beach take on every case and have often found themselves in precarious situations. With well over 225 cases in book and radio play form, the stories of the three detectives have inspired numerous boys and girls across generations.
About Die drei ??? Since 1964, Justus Jonas, Peter Shaw, and Bob Andrews have been solving thrilling cases and unraveling mysterious puzzles as "Die drei ???". The boys from Rocky Beach take on every case and have often found themselves in precarious situations. With well over 225 cases in book and radio play form, the stories of the three detectives have inspired numerous boys and girls across generations.
About Die drei ??? Since 1964, Justus Jonas, Peter Shaw, and Bob Andrews have been solving thrilling cases and unraveling mysterious puzzles as "Die drei ???". The boys from Rocky Beach take on every case and have often found themselves in precarious situations. With well over 225 cases in book and radio play form, the stories of the three detectives have inspired numerous boys and girls across generations.