Mit »Fellow Travellers« öffnen wir im ZKM einen vielstimmigen und dynamischen Ausstellungsraum, in dem Künstler:innen, Wissenschaftler:innen, Communities und Bürger:innen zusammenarbeiten und voneinander lernen können. Gemeinsam wollen wir neue, konkrete Möglichkeiten finden, um unser planetares Zusammenleben zu gestalten.
Die Menschheitsgeschichte zeugt von unserer Fähigkeit, zu kooperieren und Bemerkenswertes zu erreichen. Allerdings ist es uns auch gelungen, Wirtschafts- und Machtstrukturen aufzubauen, die die Erde heute so drastisch aus dem Gleichgewicht gebracht haben. Es scheint, dass wir am Rande des Zusammenbruchs stehen, ausgelöst durch die Auswirkungen des rasanten technischen Fortschritts. Die Probleme in den Bereichen Klima, Wirtschaft, regionale Konflikte, kulturelle Identität, Migrationsströme und Ressourcenknappheit müssen dringend angegangen werden. Künstliche Intelligenz, Quantencomputer, Biowissenschaften, Robotik und Technologie stellen uns ebenfalls vor enorme Herausforderungen.
Bislang ist es uns nicht gelungen, eine alternative Gesellschaftsform zu verwirklichen, die unsere Welt wieder ins Gleichgewicht bringen könnte. Doch auch wenn große alternative Utopien wie der Kommunismus gescheitert sind, teilen die meisten Menschen die Ideale einer gerechten Gesellschaft. Diese intellektuellen Weggefährten oder „Fellow Travellers“, wie sie im 20. Jahrhundert genannt wurden, gibt es auch heute noch. Allerdings basiert diese Art von Gemeinschaft nicht mehr auf einer politischen Doktrin, sondern auf dem Ziel, eine lebenswerte Kultur und Umwelt zu schaffen. Überall auf der Welt nutzen Künstler:innen und Aktivist:innen in ihrem Alltag und auf lokaler Ebene technische Hilfsmittel, um die Welt um sie herum zu verändern. Die geografische Lage spielt dabei immer weniger eine Rolle für die kollektive Handlungsfähigkeit. Es sollte nun möglich sein, ein wachsendes Netzwerk dieser vielfältigen Projekte aufzubauen, das über die traditionellen Machtzentren hinaus Ideen austauscht, generiert und umsetzt.
Die Kunst der Moderne basierte auf dem Wunsch, die Welt zu verändern, aber die Einflüsse von Märkten und Museen haben sie immer wieder auf „Kunst um der Kunst willen“ reduziert. Während sozial und politisch engagierte Kunst oft kritisch und herausfordernd war, sollten wir uns jetzt mit tatsächlicher praktischer Veränderung befassen.
Die Ausstellung »Fellow Travellers« im ZKM will diesen Geist aufgreifen und weiterführen. Die gezeigten künstlerischen Projekte präsentieren nicht nur Ideen oder zeigen Probleme auf. Sie alle streben danach, die Traditionen der Repräsentation zu überwinden und in Aktion zu treten, indem sie ihr Umfeld aktiv gestalten. In einer Zeit, in der wir um die Zukunft fürchten, geben uns diese Projekte und ihre Geschichten Hoffnung und Inspiration. Dabei ist die Ausstellung nicht als statische Präsentation konzipiert, sondern soll auch außerhalb des Museums wirken – als Labor, in dem Ideen und Werkzeuge ausgetauscht werden und neue Projekte wachsen und ergänzt werden können: ein Bienenstock von Taktiken und Techniken zur Veränderung der Welt.
Das Herzstück der Ausstellung ist das »Useum«: ein Ort, der von den Menschen genutzt werden kann, um diese Ideen und Projekte miteinander zu verbinden und neue Lösungen zu entwickeln. Ein Ort, wo wir die Probleme, die uns lokal betreffen, im Austausch mit anderen aktiven Gemeinschaften rund um den Globus angehen können. Es ist ein Ort des gemeinsamen Schaffens und Handelns.
Mi bis Fr 10:00 – 18:00 Uhr; Sa bis So 11:00 – 18:00 Uhr
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
With »Fellow Travellers«, we open a multi-voiced and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, where artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Together, we want to find new, concrete ways to shape our planetary coexistence.
Human history bears witness to our ability to cooperate and achieve remarkable things. However, we have also succeeded in establishing economic and power structures that have drastically thrown the Earth out of balance today. It seems that we are on the brink of collapse, triggered by the consequences of rapid technological advancement. The problems in the areas of climate, economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity must be urgently addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biosciences, robotics, and technology also pose enormous challenges.
So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could restore balance to our world. However, even though large alternative utopias like communism have failed, most people share the ideals of a just society. These intellectual travel companions or „Fellow Travellers“, as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of community is no longer based on a political doctrine but on the goal of creating a livable culture and environment. All over the world, artists and activists use technological tools in their daily lives and at the local level to change the world around them. The geographical location plays less and less of a role in collective action. It should now be possible to build a growing network of these diverse projects that exchange, generate, and implement ideas beyond traditional power centers.
The art of modernity was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to "art for art's sake." While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, we should now address actual practical change.
The exhibition »Fellow Travellers« at ZKM aims to capture and continue this spirit. The artistic projects presented do not only convey ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and take action by actively shaping their environment. In a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. The exhibition is not designed as a static presentation but is also intended to operate outside the museum – as a laboratory where ideas and tools are exchanged and new projects can grow and be supplemented: a hive of tactics and techniques for changing the world.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be utilized by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions. A place where we can address the issues that affect us locally in exchange with other active communities around the globe. It is a place of joint creation and action.
Mon to Fri 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Sat to Sun 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM