Tuesday, 2/18/2025
at 8:00 PM

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Long gone are the days when the topic of "Boy meets Girl" was considered a clever idea for a film or play. Just think of "Romeo and Juliet" or "Harry and Sally". That was then. Today, one must think further. Does Sally's faked orgasm fall into the "Me Too" category, because Harry pressured her into it? And then there's Shakespeare. With "Do young men love with eyes only?", he must have meant the "little despots", as Friedrich Merz called migrant sons. This needs to be addressed in a film or production!

In short: It's not easy being a director these days. Or a director? Or a director*? Or a director:in? Or a director_in? Okay. Let's go with director-person. Margarete and Heiner, the two actors, have an even harder time. They stand on our stage faced with a wealth of material on lovely themes like Gender Madness, Me Too, Feminism, Patriarchy, and even "Male and female street trees" - and are expected to turn it into a play.

Yet, it could be so simple - because all people are equal. Great. Then let's stick with Friedrich Schiller, and all people become brethren. Okay. But why not sisters? So, perhaps not that straightforward after all.

Doors open at 7:00 PM

Event data provided by: Reservix

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