Wednesday, 1/22/2025
at 7:00 PM

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HEINZ ERHARDT – Today again a rascal
An evening of great entertainment art with Thorsten Hamer, regarded by ARD as the best Heinz Erhardt performer, awaits the audience in Ahlen on Wednesday, January 22, 2025, at 7 PM in the Stadthalle Ahlen.
The ensemble, which delights audiences in various television formats, the most famous theaters, and the most renowned stages (e.g., Elbphilharmonie HH in June 23) in the German-speaking world, looks forward to performing in Ahlen.
Also visit for more information about the NRW tour.

The große Heinz Erhardt Revue: A unique homage to the timeless century comedian Heinz Erhardt. Those who love airy wordplay and fast-paced texts can't help but love Heinz Erhardt. His films are cult classics to this day, and his solo programs, which filled the large halls, were celebrated and unforgettable. His special ability to lead language to absurdity in a highly amusing way remains unmatched.
The audience experiences an extremely humorous, at times musical journey filled with wit and charm. Every punchline is a bullseye. Thorsten Hamer, along with his ensemble (Michael Ophelders, Winnie Slütters), presents a true fireworks display of belly-laughing poems, sketches, and songs by Erhardt. Thorsten Hamer fully embraces his role.
Erhardt's mischievous humor and his effortless handling of the German language remain legendary and unforgettable to this day. From "Made" to "King Erl," from "Fräulein Mabel" to the tales of "Knight Fips," the program's range guarantees laughter.

Entry to the foyer from 6:00 PM

Event data provided by: Reservix

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