Saturday, 12/14/2024
at 8:00 PM

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The Companions · Adventssingen · 14.12.2024 · 20.00 Uhr · Brückenkopf Hanau

The Companions invite you to their iconic Christmas show at the Hanauer Brückenkopf. The cover boys turn on the disco ball and bring shine and glitter and a little light into dark times. The electric guitars stay in the rehearsal room. Instead, the audience can look forward to a fine acoustic set with unique interpretations of great masterpieces from pop and rock history – passionately played and served with a wink. Everyone sings and swings in a festive mood towards the Christmas tree – not without jingling the bells along the way.

The event is held in cooperation with the Brückenkopf and the KUZ Hanau.

Doors open: 18:00 Uhr

Sold out. There will be no box office.

Event data provided by: Reservix