Cara – Award-winning Celtic Music - Eine Irish Folk Band
Wednesday, 1/22/2025 at 7:00 PM
Cara – Award-winning Celtic Music - Eine Irish Folk Band
Wednesday, 1/22/2025
at 7:00 PM
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Mit CARA gastiert eine Irish Folk-Band in Ahaus, die an Authentizität, Virtuosität und musikalischer Vielfalt hierzulande ihresgleichen sucht. Wenn sie spielen, eröffnen sich Klangräume und Bilder, die die Zuhörer mit auf eine Reise in poetische Welten nehmen und doch nie den Gegenwartsbezug verlieren. Märchenhafte Balladen um Liebe und Verrat, um Zauberkraft, um Sehnsucht und Rache, um dunkle, stürmische Zeiten und die immer neu erblühende Hoffnung wechseln sich ab mit den typischen temperamentvollen Tanzmelodien, wie sie bis heute in den Pubs Irlands gespielt werden.
Seit 21 Jahren tourt die Band durch Deutschland und die Welt und spielt neben den traditionellen auch eigene moderne Songs und Tunes. Sieben Tourneen führten sie allein in die USA. Folkkenner wissen - wer sich in diesem Genre auf internationales Terrain wagt, wird mit einem anderem Maß gemessen. CARA haben diese Feuerproben mit Bravour bestanden und werden von Musikerkollegen aus Irland und Großbritannien hoch geschätzt. Bereits zweimal wurden sie mit dem Irish Music Award ausgezeichnet.
Heute besteht die Band aus einer multinationalen Besetzung. Die charismatische Frontfrau Gudrun Walther, Sängerin und vielleicht versierteste Fiddlerin im Land, hat bereits zahlreiche Projekte mit namhaften Musikern realisiert. Ihre Kompositionen wurden von internationalen Bands gecovert.
Mit Kim Edgar gehört eine der besten britischen Songwriterinnen zu CARA. Ihre am Klavier komponierten und eindrücklich interpretierten Songs spiegeln ihre Begeisterung für Horror und Mythen, Geschichte und Feminismus wider und brachten ihr den Titel als "Scotland’s very own Tori Amos" ein. Ihre familiären Wurzeln kann sie bis in den Nordwesten Irlands
zurückverfolgen, ins County Donegal. Simon Pfisterer ist ein herausragender Interpret der Uilleann Pipes - des irischen Dudelsacks - er studierte das Instrument an der Universität in Limerick, Irland und hat einen BA in Irish Music and Dance. Der studierte Jazz-Gitarrist und Produzent Jürgen Treyz veröffentlichte über 80 CDs mit eigener Musik und erhielt zahlreiche Auszeichnungen. Es sind nicht zuletzt seine von internationalen Fachmagazinen gelobten Arrangements, die CARA ihren besonderen Sound geben.
Stadt Ahaus in Kooperation mit aktuelles forum Volkshochschule
Programmänderungen vorbehalten
© Eva Giovannini
Einlass: 18:30 Uhr
With CARA, an Irish Folk band is visiting Ahaus that seeks its equal in authenticity, virtuosity, and musical diversity in this country. When they play, sound spaces and images unfold that take the listeners on a journey into poetic worlds while never losing their contemporary relevance. Enchanting ballads about love and betrayal, about magical powers, about longing and revenge, about dark, stormy times and the ever-blooming hope alternate with the typical lively dance melodies that are still played in the pubs of Ireland today.
For 21 years, the band has been touring through Germany and the world, playing not only traditional songs but also their own modern songs and tunes. Seven tours have taken them alone to the USA. Folk aficionados know - those who dare to venture into this genre on international terrain will be measured by a different standard. CARA has passed these trials by fire with flying colors and is highly regarded by fellow musicians from Ireland and Great Britain. They have already been awarded the Irish Music Award twice.
Today, the band consists of a multinational lineup. The charismatic frontwoman Gudrun Walther, a singer and perhaps the most accomplished fiddler in the country, has realized numerous projects with renowned musicians. Her compositions have been covered by international bands. With Kim Edgar, one of the best British songwriters belongs to CARA. Her songs, composed on the piano and impressively interpreted, reflect her enthusiasm for horror and myths, history and feminism, earning her the title of "Scotland’s very own Tori Amos." She can trace her family roots back to the northwest of Ireland, to County Donegal. Simon Pfisterer is an outstanding interpreter of the Uilleann Pipes - the Irish bagpipe - having studied the instrument at the University in Limerick, Ireland and holding a BA in Irish Music and Dance. The trained jazz guitarist and producer Jürgen Treyz has released over 80 CDs of his own music and received numerous awards. It is not least his arrangements, praised by international trade magazines, that give CARA their unique sound.
City of Ahaus in cooperation with aktuelles forum Volkshochschule
Subject to changes in the program
© Eva Giovannini
Doors open: 6:30 PM
Event data provided by: Reservix
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Cara – Award-winning Celtic Music - Eine Irish Folk Band
With CARA, an Irish Folk band is visiting Ahaus that seeks its equal in authenticity, virtuosity, and musical diversity in this country. When they play, sound spaces and images unfold that take the listeners on a journey into poetic worlds while never losing their contemporary relevance. Enchanting ballads about love and betrayal, about magical powers, about longing and revenge, about dark, stormy times and the ever-blooming hope alternate with the typical lively dance melodies that are still played in the pubs of Ireland today.
For 21 years, the band has been touring through Germany and the world, playing not only traditional songs but also their own modern songs and tunes. Seven tours have taken them alone to the USA. Folk aficionados know - those who dare to venture into this genre on international terrain will be measured by a different standard. CARA has passed these trials by fire with flying colors and is highly regarded by fellow musicians from Ireland and Great Britain. They have already been awarded the Irish Music Award twice.
Today, the band consists of a multinational lineup. The charismatic frontwoman Gudrun Walther, a singer and perhaps the most accomplished fiddler in the country, has realized numerous projects with renowned musicians. Her compositions have been covered by international bands. With Kim Edgar, one of the best British songwriters belongs to CARA. Her songs, composed on the piano and impressively interpreted, reflect her enthusiasm for horror and myths, history and feminism, earning her the title of "Scotland’s very own Tori Amos." She can trace her family roots back to the northwest of Ireland, to County Donegal. Simon Pfisterer is an outstanding interpreter of the Uilleann Pipes - the Irish bagpipe - having studied the instrument at the University in Limerick, Ireland and holding a BA in Irish Music and Dance. The trained jazz guitarist and producer Jürgen Treyz has released over 80 CDs of his own music and received numerous awards. It is not least his arrangements, praised by international trade magazines, that give CARA their unique sound.
City of Ahaus in cooperation with aktuelles forum Volkshochschule
Subject to changes in the program
© Eva Giovannini
Doors open: 6:30 PM
7:00 PM
from € 19.00