Saturday, 12/28/2024
at 3:00 PM

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A theater experience for the whole family: For the first time in Stuttgart
The successful Berlin stage version of the classic by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry is back! The Little Prince lands on the stage of the Theaterhaus Stuttgart for the first time.
In the poetic staging, the little prince encounters the star inhabitants on the screen in a mix of drama, puppetry, live music, and film, which are thereby close yet unreachable.
For these roles, well-known film and theater actors were secured, who can be experienced in film insertions as the various planet inhabitants, such as Bruno Ganz, Dieter Mann, Horst Krause, Florian Lukas, Michael Mendl as the king, and Armin Rohde.
The Drehbühne Berlin presents its staging of the classic in Stuttgart in the original cast — the title role is played by the German-Arab actress Nanda Ben Chaabane, and the role of the pilot is embodied by the Berlin actor Lorenz Chr. Köhler, who also directed.
Other special features include the unique Arabic-oriental music played live during the performances, as well as the fascinating full-body puppets.
An unforgettable family theater experience — for big and small people (from 8 years)
The audience accompanies the little prince on his planetary journey and in his search for friends. At the beginning, he lives on a small asteroid, where he repeatedly watches the sunset. One day, however, the little prince experiences the birth of a beautiful rose. But the flower and the little prince get into a quarrel, and so he decides to leave and search for other friends.
On Earth, he first meets a snake and eventually encounters a downed pilot in the middle of the desert. The little prince tells him about his small asteroid and his journey from planet to planet, where he has met peculiar grown-ups: a king, a vain man, a drunkard, a businessman, a lamplighter, and a geographer who reveals to him that his rose is transient. Since the pilot does not want to understand why it is so important to know why flowers have thorns, which sheep eat anyway, the little prince walks away disappointed.
Thus, he comes to a fox who asks him to tame him and makes clear to him how unique true friendship and his rose are. Furthermore, the fox confides in the little prince a secret: One sees well only with the heart; what is essential is invisible to the eyes!
Timeless messages of a little prince
Over 80 years ago, The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry was first published in New York, where the author was in exile. Then as now, the times are politically and socially oppressive. The timeless messages of the classic have lost none of their comforting and encouraging significance. The story is a call for humanity and friendship. Above all, it makes one thing very clear: Peace begins in small ways and can only come through empathetic coexistence.

Event data provided by: Reservix

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