Das Fest - Lesung mit Lucy Fricke
Moderation: Marie Schoeß
»›Das Fest‹ by Lucy Fricke shows that life, despite all losses and fears, is above all one thing: worth living.« (Madame)
Jakob, once a celebrated film director, turns 50. His last relationship was over ten years ago, his body is losing its shape, and his mind is running out of ideas. So there is nothing to celebrate, he announces to his best friend Ellen. But she has a different opinion. Lucy Fricke (»Töchter«, »Die Diplomatin« etc.) tells in her new novel about a man in a midlife crisis, about losses and mistakes, about forgiveness and true friendship – »humorous, light-footed, serious and full of love.« (NDR Kultur)
ADMISSION: EURO 16.- / 10.-
Organizer: Stiftung Literaturhaus
(Photo: Lucy Fricke © Gerald von Foris)