Wednesday, 5/28/2025 at 8:00 PM
Wednesday, 5/28/2025
at 8:00 PM
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Sebastian Horn, Sänger und Texter von „Dreiviertelblut“ und „Bananafishbones“ stammt aus einer Familie, in der leidenschaftlich bayrische Volkslieder gesungen wurden. Sebastian ist dann mit 14 Jahren in die Rockmusik abgebogen, hat jetzt aber Lust bekommen, sich diesem Familienerbe zuzuwenden.
Josef Brustmann, Wort- und Musikkabarettist, kommt von der Klassik und der Volksmusik. Er ist lange mit dem Bairisch Diatonischen Jodelwahnsinn getourt und hat als Solokünstler sowohl bei seinen textlichen als auch musikalischen Erfindungen noch nie ein bayrisches Blatt vor den Mund genommen.
Benni Schäfer, mit 15 noch Punker, dann leidenschaftlicher Jazzer, ist heute ein höchst gefragter Bassist, unter anderem bei „Dreiviertelblut" und Josefs Band „Brustmanns Lust“ und hat Sebastian und Josef miteinander und sich selbst verbandelt.
Drei ganz verschiedene musikalische Biographien, die all ihre Erfahrung und all ihr Können in einem brandneuen Projekt zusammenschmeißen: Kein Männerdreigesang, vielmehr ein Drei-Männer- Gesang - mächtig und schön - zu Zither, Gitarre und Bass!
„Wir singen eigene neue Lieder, die uns unser Leben schreibt, und wir singen natürlich auch alte bayrische Volkslieder, weil die genial schön sind - ein unschätzbares und schwer unterschätztes Erbgut. Dabei lassen wir die alten Lieder so, wie sie sind – leuchten da aber möglichst viele unbekannte Ecken aus.
Wenn Volksmusik in Medien stattfindet, wird sie auf das Unterhaltsame und Lustige reduziert; dabei hat sie oft auch etwas sehr Geheimnisvolles, Magisches, Abgrundtiefes, Erotisches.
Und diese ganze Bandbreite wollen wir haben, die ganze Schönheit und urwüchsige Kraft, die da drinsteckt, aufzeigen.“
Einlass ab 19:00 Uhr
Sebastian Horn, singer and lyricist of “Dreiviertelblut” and “Bananafishbones,” comes from a family where Bavarian folk songs were passionately sung. At the age of 14, Sebastian turned to rock music, but has now become interested in embracing this family heritage.
Josef Brustmann, a word and music cabaret artist, comes from classical and folk music. He has toured for a long time with the Bairisch Diatonischen Jodelwahnsinn and has never held back in his lyrical or musical inventions as a solo artist.
Benni Schäfer, a punk at 15 and then a passionate jazzer, is now a highly sought-after bassist, among others for “Dreiviertelblut” and Josef's band “Brustmanns Lust,” and has connected Sebastian and Josef with each other and himself.
Three very different musical biographies that throw all their experience and skill together in an exciting new project: Not a male trio singing, but rather a three-man song - powerful and beautiful - with zither, guitar, and bass!
“We sing our own new songs that our lives write for us, and of course, we also sing old Bavarian folk songs because they are incredibly beautiful - an invaluable and greatly underrated heritage. In doing so, we leave the old songs as they are – but illuminate as many unknown corners as possible.
When folk music takes place in the media, it is reduced to the entertaining and funny; however, it often also has something very mysterious, magical, profoundly deep, and erotic.
And we want to showcase this entire spectrum, all the beauty and primal power that is contained within.”
Doors open at 7:00 PM
Event data provided by: Reservix
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Sebastian Horn, singer and lyricist of "Dreiviertelblut" and "Bananafishbones," comes from a family where Bavarian folk songs were passionately sung. Sebastian then veered into rock music at the age of 14, but has now become interested in returning to this family heritage.
Josef Brustmann, word and music cabaret artist, comes from classical music and folk music. He has toured for a long time with the Bairisch Diatonischen Jodelwahnsinn and has never held back on his Bavarian lyrics or musical creations as a solo artist.
Benni Schäfer, who was a punk at 15, then a passionate jazzer, is today a highly sought-after bassist, including for "Dreiviertelblut" and Josef's band "Brustmanns Lust," and has connected Sebastian and Josef together and with himself.
Three very different musical biographies that throw all their experience and skills together in a brand new project: not a male trio song, but rather a three-man song - powerful and beautiful - to zither, guitar, and bass!
“We sing our own new songs, written by our lives, and we also sing old Bavarian folk songs, because they are brilliantly beautiful - an invaluable and greatly underrated heritage. In doing so, we leave the old songs as they are, but illuminate as many unknown corners as possible.
When folk music takes place in the media, it's often reduced to the entertaining and humorous; however, it often has something very mysterious, magical, profound, and erotic as well.
And we want to encompass this entire range, to showcase all the beauty and primal power that lies within it.”
Doors open at 7:30 PM
8:00 PM
from € 26.00