Amaryllis - Lesung mit Jutta Speidel
Jutta Speidel reads from her novel AMARYLLIS (What if ...) a musical reading by and with Jutta Speidel
Don't you also know that feeling? You've already lived a substantial piece of life, much has gone well, some less so, and you often catch yourself thinking: What would have happened if...? Yes, what if I weren't named Jutta? What if I hadn't become an actress? What if I hadn't married the man, lived many and completely different loves and perhaps didn't have children? What if I lived in a completely different country? And yet I would still be ME. That’s how I feel. I am Jutta and I am Valerie. Her biography is also mine. At least it could be, however...!
Bold, cheerful, profound, and very intense, Jutta Speidel narrates the life of the clown Valerie between 1954 and 2024. It is a life that takes many detours and is about great love, hope, tragedy, sacrifice, betrayal, and reconciliation. On this touching evening, she is musically accompanied by Antonia Feuerstein (vocals) and Peter Rodekuhr (piano).
AMARYLLIS is a musical reading without resignation, but with the statement that one should remain open to new paths throughout life. It exudes unconventional ways of thinking, generosity, trust, and forgiveness. Just before her milestone anniversary, the well-known actress Jutta Speidel writes her second novel, which has autobiographical features but is entirely fictional. With a wink, she says: “Over the years, the media and my audience believe they know everything about me. But there are longings and dreams that haven't come true. That's why I've created a character that I could be, but is purely fictional.”
Doors open: 19:00 Uhr