Ronja Räubertochter - Nach der Erzählung von Astrid Lindgren
Wednesday, 4/9/2025 at 10:00 AM
Ronja Räubertochter - Nach der Erzählung von Astrid Lindgren
Wednesday, 4/9/2025
at 10:00 AM
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In einer Gewitternacht wird auf der Mattisburg ein Mädchen geboren, Ronja, die Tochter des Räuberhauptmanns Mattis. Zur gleichen Zeit erblickt auch Birk Borkason das Licht der Welt, doch die Mattis- und Borkaräuber sind seit jeher verfeindet. Feige und klammheimlich, so sagt Ronjas Vater, haben sich die Borkaräuber des Nachts in einen Teil seiner Burg geschlichen, den sie nun die Borkafeste nennen. Und so gibt es für die Mattisräuber anscheinend allen Grund, die Borkaräuber zu hassen.
Doch als Ronja und Birk älter werden, lernen sie sich zufällig kennen und helfen einander in gefährlichen Situationen. Als die Räuber ihre Freundschaft entdecken, flüchten die beiden in den Mattiswald, in dem auch Graugnome, Wilddruden und Rumpelwichte ihr Unwesen treiben. Auch wenn sie ihre Familien sehr lieben, wollen Birk und Ronja sich ihre Freundschaft nicht verbieten lassen, und Räuber wollen sie sowieso nicht werden.
Ronja Räubertochter ist vielleicht die schönste und vollkommenste Geschichte von Astrid Lindgren – spannend, berührend und komisch zugleich erzählt sie von der Freundschaft zweier Kinder, die verfeindeten Räuberbanden angehören und die ihre Liebe zueinander gegen den Starrsinn der Erwachsenen durchsetzen müssen.
Einlass: ab 9:30 Uhr
On a stormy night, a girl is born at Mattisburg, Ronja, the daughter of the robber chief Mattis. At the same time, Birk Borkason also sees the light of day, but the Mattis and Borka robbers have been enemies for ages. Cowardly and sneakily, says Ronja's father, the Borka robbers have crept into a part of his castle at night, which they now call the Borkafeste. And so, the Mattis robbers seem to have every reason to hate the Borka robbers.
But as Ronja and Birk grow older, they accidentally meet and help each other in dangerous situations. When the robbers discover their friendship, the two flee into the Mattis Forest, where grayshins, wild drudens, and rumpel stiltskins also roam. Even though they love their families very much, Birk and Ronja do not want to be forbidden to have their friendship, and they do not want to become robbers anyway.
Ronja Räubertochter is perhaps the most beautiful and complete story by Astrid Lindgren – exciting, touching, and funny at the same time, it tells of the friendship between two children who belong to rival robber gangs and who must assert their love for each other against the stubbornness of adults.
Entrance: from 9:30 AM
Event data provided by: Reservix
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Ronja Räubertochter - Nach der Erzählung von Astrid Lindgren
On a stormy night, a girl is born at Mattisburg, Ronja, the daughter of the robber chief Mattis. At the same time, Birk Borkason also sees the light of day, but the Mattis and Borka robbers have been enemies for ages. Cowardly and sneakily, says Ronja's father, the Borka robbers have crept into a part of his castle at night, which they now call the Borkafeste. And so, the Mattis robbers seem to have every reason to hate the Borka robbers.
But as Ronja and Birk grow older, they accidentally meet and help each other in dangerous situations. When the robbers discover their friendship, the two flee into the Mattis Forest, where grayshins, wild drudens, and rumpel stiltskins also roam. Even though they love their families very much, Birk and Ronja do not want to be forbidden to have their friendship, and they do not want to become robbers anyway.
Ronja Räubertochter is perhaps the most beautiful and complete story by Astrid Lindgren – exciting, touching, and funny at the same time, it tells of the friendship between two children who belong to rival robber gangs and who must assert their love for each other against the stubbornness of adults.
Entrance: from 9:30 AM
10:00 AM
from € 12.00