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Science Fiction Design. Vom Space Age zum Metaverse
Wednesday, 12/4/2024 from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Science Fiction Design. Vom Space Age zum Metaverse
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DE / EN / FR
Die neue Sammlungspräsentation im Vitra Schaudepot widmet sich Zukunftsvisionen im Design und schlägt damit eine Brücke von der Ausstattung früher Science-Fiction-Filme bis hin zur Gestaltung des virtuellen Raums. Wegweisende Möbelentwürfe aus der Sammlung des Vitra Design Museums zeigen, wie technische Innovationen und gestalterische Utopien Eingang in unseren Alltag finden und unsere Lebenswelt beeinflussen. So zeugen die Möbel des Space Age in den 1960er-Jahren vom Aufbruchsgeist einer Ära, die von der Mondlandung und der Erforschung des Weltraums geprägt ist. Seit Beginn des neuen Jahrhunderts erschaffen GestalterInnen nun auch »virtuelle« Realitäten, wobei sich physische und »analoge« Gestaltungsgrenzen auflösen. Die künstlerische Idee für die Ausstellungsgestaltung liefert Andrés Reisinger, der als Digitalkünstler zu den Pionieren im NFTDesign gehört.
Designers have always been fascinated by visions of the future. The Vitra Schaudepot presentation spotlights ideas of a future world, manifested in design creations ranging from early science fiction film sets to the design of virtual spaces. Pioneering objects from the Vitra Design Museum collection show, how technological innovation and utopian concepts find their way into our everyday environment. The Space Age furniture of the 1960s, for example, bears witness to the spirit of progress in an era shaped by extraterrestrial exploration. Since the turn of the millennium, the boundaries between analog and digital realms have become increasingly relevant as physical limitations dissolve in cyberspace, altering the laws of design. The artistic idea for the exhibition design was developed by Andrés Reisinger, a figure at the vanguard of NFT design.
Les designers ont toujours été fascinés par la conception du futur. La nouvelle présentation de la collection du Vitra Schaudepot intitulée « Science Fiction Design » met en lumière les idées d’un monde futur se manifrstant dans des créations de design allant des premiers décors de films de science-fiction à la conception d’espaces virtuels. Des objets novateurs de la collection du Vitra Design Museum montrent comment l’innovation technologique et les concepts utopiques trouvent leur place dans notre environnement quotidien avec par exemple les meubles « Space Age » des années 1960 témoignant de l’esprit de progrès dans une époque marquée par l’exploration spatiale. Depuis le tournant du millénaire, les frontières entre les domaines analogique et numérique sont devenues de plus en plus floues à mesure que les limites physiques se dissipent dans le cyberespace, modifiant les lois du design. La conception artistique de l’exposition sera réalisée par l’artiste numérique Andrés Reisinger, une figure à la pointe du design NFT.
Designers have always been fascinated by visions of the future. The Vitra Schaudepot presentation spotlights ideas of a future world, manifested in design creations ranging from early science fiction film sets to the design of virtual spaces. Pioneering objects from the Vitra Design Museum collection show, how technological innovation and utopian concepts find their way into our everyday environment. The Space Age furniture of the 1960s, for example, bears witness to the spirit of progress in an era shaped by extraterrestrial exploration. Since the turn of the millennium, the boundaries between analog and digital realms have become increasingly relevant as physical limitations dissolve in cyberspace, altering the laws of design. The artistic idea for the exhibition design was developed by Andrés Reisinger, a figure at the vanguard of NFT design.
Designers have always been fascinated by visions of the future. The new presentation of the Vitra Schaudepot collection titled "Science Fiction Design" highlights ideas of a future world manifested in design creations ranging from early science fiction film sets to the design of virtual spaces. Innovative objects from the Vitra Design Museum collection show how technological innovation and utopian concepts find their place in our daily environment. For example, the "Space Age" furniture from the 1960s bears witness to the spirit of progress in an era marked by space exploration. Since the turn of the millennium, the boundaries between the analog and digital realms have become increasingly blurred as physical limits dissipate in cyberspace, changing the laws of design. The artistic design of the exhibition will be created by digital artist Andrés Reisinger, a leading figure in NFT design.