Friday, 3/7/2025
at 8:00 PM

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In the new program, we ask ourselves: where is the journey headed? It can't continue like this for the upcoming challenges of our world! With the downfall of socialism, it became clear to us that only the market economy could be our salvation. Today, we suspect that back then we boarded not a lifeboat, but the Titanic.
Everything was going so well: Germany was always on the sunny side of globalization! Cheap flights to the South in cheap fashion from the South. Energy for little cost from the East. In the evenings, we first dined at a Syrian restaurant and then watched wars on "ZDF History" or inflation on "Babylon Berlin" out of curiosity. And when our conscience occasionally plagued us, we sent our kids to "Fridays for Future," went to cabaret ourselves, and laughed heartily about our disastrous mistakes. GONE! We are writing the year 2022.
Now, more than half of the Germans would rather live in the past. Yet, in the past, we always preferred the future. Times change. There is only one remedy: to deal with today – perhaps by talking nostalgically about the "good old times" while taking a look into the future. And where does this happen? Formerly at the regulars' table or family celebrations, today in digital blogs.
Or during a cabaret rehearsal. The setting for "Wer hat an der Welt gedreht" was quickly found: first rehearsal day, a new "cabaret show" is to be rehearsed by our DISTEL ensemble. The script is on the table and off we go! But how to approach the hot topics? Energy crisis, ongoing pandemic, globalization, no: de-globalization – all these issues?
And what does satire actually have to offer today? New insights? Redemption? Distraction? Enlightenment? The ensemble is not in agreement. On the contrary. There are not only controversial discussions, but also lively performances and illustrations. Some aspects are logical, some even align with the mainstream; other positions are unexpectedly refreshing and quirky or breathtakingly absurd, but above all, they are one thing – very, very funny.
With the new program “Wer hat an der Welt gedreht?” DISTEL presents the long-awaited successor to "Skandal im Spreebezirk," the great public success of recent years. Once again, the audience anticipates a fast-paced journey through the issues of our time and their upheavals, flipping back and forth between electromobility, political correctness, and the Tyrannosaurus Rex. All against the backdrop of an unlawful pandemic and an unbeatable war – or vice versa.
And by the way: what is actually happening with climate change?
The author duo Robert Schmiedel and Frank Voigtmann has been successfully writing for various cabarets in the country since 2005, including individual pieces for DISTEL. In 2015, they were commissioned with the script for “Einmal Deutschland für alle” and in 2019 for “Skandal im Spreebezirk”. As in the previous program, Frank Voigtmann not only directs this time but also performs on stage. Joining him are the DISTEL veteran Stefan Martin Müller and Nancy Spiller, who has already appeared in two DISTEL programs and recently became a permanent member of the DISTEL ensemble. Musically and textually, the three are accompanied by Felix Lauschus and Fred Symann.

Book: Robert Schmiedel, Frank Voigtmann
Composition: Matthias Felix Lauschus, Fred Symann
Direction: Frank Voigtmann
On stage: Stefan Martin Müller, Nancy Spiller, Frank Voigtmann
At the instruments: Matthias Felix Lauschus, Fred Symann
Set design: Hannah Hamburger


Event data provided by: Reservix

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Die DISTEL - Wer hat an der Welt gedreht