Der zerbrochne Krug - von Heinrich von Kleist
Tuesday, 12/10/2024 at 8:00 PM
Der zerbrochne Krug - von Heinrich von Kleist
Tuesday, 12/10/2024
at 8:00 PM
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Rein rechtlich gesehen scheint der Fall eine Bagatelle. Es geht um eine Sachbeschädigung und die Klärung von Schadensansprüchen. Marthe Rull beschuldigt Ruprecht, ihren Schwiegersohn in spe, gegen die Verabredung in der Kammer der Tochter Eve gewesen zu sein und dort einen Krug vom Sims gestoßen zu haben. Jedenfalls hat sie Ruprecht persönlich in der Kammer angetroffen. Ruprecht hingegen behauptet, es sei ein Dritter gewesen, der den Krug zerschlug. Er habe die Person durchs Fenster fliehen sehen. Aussage steht gegen Aussage. Man könnte sich vergleichen, dem Verfahren ein schnelles Ende machen. Für Adam, den gestandenen Richter, eigentlich eine Routinesache. Aber Marthe Rulls Klage ist so einfach nicht abzutun. Denn immerhin gibt es eine verlässliche Zeugin: Eve. Diese schweigt jedoch beredt. Nicht zuletzt, weil an diesem Tag zufällig Gerichtsrat Walter, in „Revisionsbereisung auf den Ämtern“ unterwegs, beim Verhör zugegen ist. Eve hofft, dass Walter das falsche Spiel des Dorfrichters durchschaut. Als er am Ende jedoch Adams Fehlurteil bestätigt, ergreift Eve entschlossen das Wort. – So unverkennbar der ZERBROCHNE KRUG vom Sündenfall, vom verlorenen Paradies, von Traum und Trug handelt, und dies in einem sehr ernsten Sinne, so raffiniert zieht hier zugleich ein auch im komischen Fach versierter Autor die Fäden.
Rein legally speaking, the case seems to be a trivial matter. It concerns property damage and the clarification of damage claims. Marthe Rull accuses Ruprecht, her son-in-law to be, of having been in the chamber of her daughter Eve against their agreement and having knocked a jug off the ledge there. In any case, she personally found Ruprecht in the chamber. Ruprecht, on the other hand, claims it was a third person who broke the jug. He saw this person flee through the window. One statement stands against another. One might consider settling the matter quickly. For Adam, the experienced judge, it is actually a routine case. But Marthe Rull’s complaint is not so easily dismissed. After all, there is a reliable witness: Eve. However, she remains conspicuously silent. Not least because, on that day, Judicial Councillor Walter, who is "on revision duty in the offices," is present during the interrogation. Eve hopes that Walter will see through the village judge's trickery. However, when he ultimately confirms Adam's error in judgment, Eve resolutely takes the floor. – As unmistakably as the BROKEN JUG deals with the Fall, the lost paradise, dreams and deception, and does so in a very serious sense, a skilled author in the comedic genre skillfully pulls the strings here at the same time.
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Der zerbrochne Krug - von Heinrich von Kleist
Rein legally speaking, the case seems to be a trivial matter. It concerns property damage and the clarification of damage claims. Marthe Rull accuses Ruprecht, her son-in-law to be, of having been in the chamber of her daughter Eve against their agreement and having knocked a jug off the ledge there. In any case, she personally found Ruprecht in the chamber. Ruprecht, on the other hand, claims it was a third person who broke the jug. He saw this person flee through the window. One statement stands against another. One might consider settling the matter quickly. For Adam, the experienced judge, it is actually a routine case. But Marthe Rull’s complaint is not so easily dismissed. After all, there is a reliable witness: Eve. However, she remains conspicuously silent. Not least because, on that day, Judicial Councillor Walter, who is "on revision duty in the offices," is present during the interrogation. Eve hopes that Walter will see through the village judge's trickery. However, when he ultimately confirms Adam's error in judgment, Eve resolutely takes the floor. – As unmistakably as the BROKEN JUG deals with the Fall, the lost paradise, dreams and deception, and does so in a very serious sense, a skilled author in the comedic genre skillfully pulls the strings here at the same time.
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