Marie Curie - Schauspiel
Tuesday, 3/18/2025 at 8:00 PM
Marie Curie - Schauspiel
Tuesday, 3/18/2025
at 8:00 PM
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Biografisches Schauspiel von Susanne Felicitas Wolf
Sie war Europas erste Doktorin der Naturwissenschaften. Sie war Frankreichs erste Professorin. Sie war die erste Frau, die einen Nobelpreis bekam und der erste Mensch, der noch einen zweiten erhielt. Marie Curie war in vielem ihrer Zeit voraus und bahnte sich ihren Weg in die Männerwelt Wissenschaft. Als Frau bestand sie öffentlich auf ihrem Anteil an der gemeinsamen Forschung mit dem Ehemann. Als Witwe leistete sie sich eine Affäre mit einem jüngeren Mann und vermutlich eine Beziehung mit einer Frau. Und als Mutter zog sie zwei emanzipierte Töchter groß. Sie prägte eine ganze Forscherinnendynastie, die über Jahrzehnte weiterwirkte. Marie Curie, die als Maria Sklodowska am 7. November 1867 in Warschau geboren wurde, gilt bis heute als Ikone, als Vorzeigeforscherin und Kämpferin gegen Widerstände in einer von Männern dominierten Welt. Sie musste tiefe Krisen meistern.
Die Schlimmste nach dem plötzlichen Unfalltod ihres Mannes Pierre. Dieser unfassbare Verlust warf sie nieder. Ausgebrannt und einsam glaubte sie, nicht mehr weiterleben zu können. Aber sie kämpfte sich immer wieder auf die Füße, arbeitete noch härter und übernahm sogar den Lehrstuhl ihres verstorbenen Mannes. Welche innere Kraft, welche unbändige Neugier auf Wissen und Forschung haben diese außergewöhnliche Frau angetrieben? Die gemeinsame Forschungsarbeit mit Pierre Curie und ihre eigenen Entdeckungen gelten bis heute als Meilensteine der Kernphysik. Maria Sklodowska-Curie
widmete ihr Leben der Wissenschaft, schonungslos gegen sich selbst. Marie und Pierre Curie veröffentlichten ihre Forschungsergebnisse unentgeltlich. Persönlicher Gewinn war nie das Ziel, ihr Wissen sollte der Menschheit dienen. So hat es Marie auch nach dem Tod ihres Mannes bis zu ihrem eigenen Ende gehalten. An den Fronten des Ersten Weltkriegs war sie mit einem Röntgenmobil unterwegs, wollte Leben retten und musste doch so viel Tod und Elend ertragen. Marie Curie war eine engagierte Europäerin, arbeitete für den
Völkerbund und setzte sich für Frieden, Freiheit und Gleichberechtigung ein. Zu verhindern, dass auch aufgrund ihrer wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse die fürchterlichste Waffe der Menschheit, die Atombombe, entwickelt wurde, war ihr nicht mehr vergönnt.
Im Sommer 1934, am 4. Juli, endete das außergewöhnliche Leben von Marie Curie. In einem Schweizer Sanatorium erlag sie, von Strahlung geschwächt, einer "perniziösen Anämie" (Blutarmut). Albert Einstein nannte sie seine "trotzige Schwester" und würdigte sie: "Sie war von einer Stärke und Lauterkeit des Willens, von einer Härte gegen sich selbst, von einer Objektivität und Unbestechlichkeit des Urteils, die selten in einem Menschen vereinigt sind."
Mit MARIE CURIE setzen wir nach dem 2. INTHEGA Preis 2018 für HILDEGARD VON BINGEN – DIE VISIONÄRIN die erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit mit der Autorin Susanne Felicitas Wolf fort. Auch das neue Schauspiel erzählt wieder von einer starken Frau und ihrem bedingungslosen Leben am Limit. Und natürlich ist Anja Klawun die Schauspielerin, die dieser einzigartigen Kraft Gesicht und Stimme gibt.
Die Autorin
Die Autorin, Dramaturgin und Regisseurin Susanne Felicitas Wolf stammt aus Mainz und lebt in Wien. Sie war an Theatern wie dem Schauspiel Frankfurt, dem Volkstheater Wien und dem Schauspielhaus Wien engagiert und hat Texte bzw. Theaterstücke unter anderem für das Schauspielhaus Wien, die Komische Oper Berlin und das Volkstheater Wien geschrieben. Als Dramatisierungs-Autorin ist sie regelmäßig im Wiener Theater in der Josefstadt zu Gast. Von ihr stammt auch die Bühnenfassung für die Produktion DIE PÄPSTIN, für die theaterlust mit dem Inthega-Preis DIE NEUBERIN 2014 ausgezeichnet
wurde. Ihr Schauspiel HILDEGARD VON BINGEN – DIE VISIONÄRIN, eine Auftragsarbeit für theaterlust, erhielt 2018 in der Inszenierung von Thomas Luft den 2. Inthega-Preis.
©Foto Herrmann Posch
Die Kulturhalle öffnet eine Stunde vor Veranstaltungsbeginn!
Biographical play by Susanne Felicitas Wolf
She was Europe's first female doctor of natural sciences. She was France's first female professor. She was the first woman to receive a Nobel Prize and the first person to receive a second one. Marie Curie was ahead of her time in many ways and paved her way into the male-dominated world of science. As a woman, she publicly insisted on her share in joint research with her husband. As a widow, she engaged in an affair with a younger man and presumably had a relationship with a woman. And as a mother, she raised two emancipated daughters. She shaped an entire dynasty of female researchers that continued to thrive for decades. Marie Curie, born Maria Sklodowska on November 7, 1867, in Warsaw, is still regarded today as an icon, a role model scientist, and a fighter against obstacles in a male-dominated world. She had to overcome deep crises. The worst one was after the sudden accidental death of her husband Pierre. This unfathomable loss threw her down. Exhausted and lonely, she thought she couldn't go on living. But she fought back, worked even harder, and even took over her deceased husband's professorship. What inner strength, what unquenchable curiosity for knowledge and research drove this extraordinary woman? Her joint research work with Pierre Curie and her own discoveries are still considered milestones in nuclear physics. Maria Sklodowska-Curie devoted her life to science, relentlessly pushing herself. Marie and Pierre Curie published their research results free of charge. Personal gain was never the goal; their knowledge was meant to serve humanity. Marie maintained this even after her husband's death until her own end. On the front lines of World War I, she traveled with an X-ray mobile, wanting to save lives but having to endure so much death and suffering. Marie Curie was a committed European, working for the League of Nations and advocating for peace, freedom, and equality. Unfortunately, she was not able to prevent the development of the most terrible weapon of humanity, the atomic bomb, based on her scientific insights. In the summer of 1934, on July 4th, the extraordinary life of Marie Curie ended. Weakened by radiation, she succumbed to "pernicious anemia" in a Swiss sanatorium. Albert Einstein called her his "defiant sister" and paid tribute to her: "She embodied a strength and purity of will, a toughness against herself, an objectivity and incorruptibility of judgment that are rarely united in one person."
With MARIE CURIE, we continue the successful collaboration with author Susanne Felicitas Wolf after the 2nd INTHEGA Prize 2018 for HILDEGARD VON BINGEN - THE VISIONARY. The new play also tells the story of a strong woman and her unconditional life on the edge. And of course, Anja Klawun is the actress who gives a face and a voice to this unique strength.
The Author
Author, dramaturge, and director Susanne Felicitas Wolf is from Mainz and currently lives in Vienna. She has worked at theaters such as Schauspiel Frankfurt, Volkstheater Wien, and Schauspielhaus Wien, and has written texts or plays for venues including Schauspielhaus Wien, Komische Oper Berlin, and Volkstheater Wien. As a dramatization author, she is a regular guest at the Wiener Theater in der Josefstadt. She also wrote the stage adaptation for the production THE POPESS, for which theaterlust was awarded the Inthega Prize DIE NEUBERIN in 2014. Her play HILDEGARD VON BINGEN - THE VISIONARY, a commissioned work for theaterlust, received the 2nd Inthega Prize in 2018 in the direction of Thomas Luft.
©Photo Herrmann Posch
The cultural hall opens one hour before the start of the event!
Event data provided by: Reservix
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Marie Curie - Biografisches Schauspiel von Susanne Felicitas Wolf
Biographical play by Susanne Felicitas Wolf
She was Europe's first female Doctor of Science. She was France's first female professor. She was the first woman to receive a Nobel Prize and the first person to receive a second one. Marie Curie was ahead of her time in many aspects and paved her way into the male-dominated world of science. As a woman, she publicly insisted on her share of collaborative research with her husband. As a widow, she engaged in an affair with a younger man and likely had a relationship with a woman. And as a mother, she raised two emancipated daughters. She influenced an entire dynasty of female researchers that continued for decades.
Bad Oeynhausen
7:30 PM
from € 28.00
Marie Curie - Schauspiel
Biographical play by Susanne Felicitas Wolf
She was Europe's first female doctor of natural sciences. She was France's first female professor. She was the first woman to receive a Nobel Prize and the first person to receive a second one. Marie Curie was ahead of her time in many ways and paved her way into the male-dominated world of science. As a woman, she publicly insisted on her share in joint research with her husband. As a widow, she engaged in an affair with a younger man and presumably had a relationship with a woman. And as a mother, she raised two emancipated daughters. She shaped an entire dynasty of female researchers that continued to thrive for decades. Marie Curie, born Maria Sklodowska on November 7, 1867, in Warsaw, is still regarded today as an icon, a role model scientist, and a fighter against obstacles in a male-dominated world. She had to overcome deep crises. The worst one was after the sudden accidental death of her husband Pierre. This unfathomable loss threw her down. Exhausted and lonely, she thought she couldn't go on living. But she fought back, worked even harder, and even took over her deceased husband's professorship. What inner strength, what unquenchable curiosity for knowledge and research drove this extraordinary woman? Her joint research work with Pierre Curie and her own discoveries are still considered milestones in nuclear physics. Maria Sklodowska-Curie devoted her life to science, relentlessly pushing herself. Marie and Pierre Curie published their research results free of charge. Personal gain was never the goal; their knowledge was meant to serve humanity. Marie maintained this even after her husband's death until her own end. On the front lines of World War I, she traveled with an X-ray mobile, wanting to save lives but having to endure so much death and suffering. Marie Curie was a committed European, working for the League of Nations and advocating for peace, freedom, and equality. Unfortunately, she was not able to prevent the development of the most terrible weapon of humanity, the atomic bomb, based on her scientific insights. In the summer of 1934, on July 4th, the extraordinary life of Marie Curie ended. Weakened by radiation, she succumbed to "pernicious anemia" in a Swiss sanatorium. Albert Einstein called her his "defiant sister" and paid tribute to her: "She embodied a strength and purity of will, a toughness against herself, an objectivity and incorruptibility of judgment that are rarely united in one person."
With MARIE CURIE, we continue the successful collaboration with author Susanne Felicitas Wolf after the 2nd INTHEGA Prize 2018 for HILDEGARD VON BINGEN - THE VISIONARY. The new play also tells the story of a strong woman and her unconditional life on the edge. And of course, Anja Klawun is the actress who gives a face and a voice to this unique strength.
The Author
Author, dramaturge, and director Susanne Felicitas Wolf is from Mainz and currently lives in Vienna. She has worked at theaters such as Schauspiel Frankfurt, Volkstheater Wien, and Schauspielhaus Wien, and has written texts or plays for venues including Schauspielhaus Wien, Komische Oper Berlin, and Volkstheater Wien. As a dramatization author, she is a regular guest at the Wiener Theater in der Josefstadt. She also wrote the stage adaptation for the production THE POPESS, for which theaterlust was awarded the Inthega Prize DIE NEUBERIN in 2014. Her play HILDEGARD VON BINGEN - THE VISIONARY, a commissioned work for theaterlust, received the 2nd Inthega Prize in 2018 in the direction of Thomas Luft.
©Photo Herrmann Posch
The cultural hall opens one hour before the start of the event!
8:00 PM
from € 20.00