Okan Seese - Lieber taub als gar kein Vogel
The press can write about Okan:
Okan Seese is deaf, gay, and half Turkish. And he is Germany's only deaf comedian who also performs for hearing audiences. In his solo show "Lieber taub als gar kein Vogel" (Forgive the pun: Better deaf than not a bird at all), expectations are turned upside down: An interpreter, who is paid not per hour but per laugh, translates the signs for the audience. And Okan only pays for laughs that he can hear. Do you wonder if deaf people can relate to music? How they hear their alarm clock? Or if they are even allowed to drive a car? How do deaf people make phone calls?! Can they dial emergency services? And does moaning turn them on during sex?
With great self-irony and from an - for the hearing - unusual perspective, Okan speaks... I mean, tells about his everyday life. He skillfully plays with stereotypes, only to break them in the next moment. His humor is surprising and honest, and his facial expressions are lovable. Okan takes us into a fascinating world with a strong community, a rich culture, and its own expressive language.
This is what Okan says about himself:
"Hello, my name is Okan Seese, and I am deaf. For that, my neighbors love me because I have never called the police for noise disturbance. When we play Activity together, the mood can quickly change, especially after my tenth consecutive win. But what can I do, I grew up in a deaf family, everyone around me was constantly signing.
As a deaf, gay, Turkish person, my view on things rarely corresponds to the so-called norm. Diversity is part of my existence, and art in its diversity is a vital form of expression for me. I am an actor, music translator, sign language poet, moderator, and comedian. My work has already earned me several awards at sign language festivals, so I am known in the deaf community... I mean, they know my name there.
But the world is not enough, that's why I want to finally share my love for stand-up comedy with the small group of hearing people. To ensure that this is not just fun for me, I have brought comedian Archie Clapp on board, who simultaneously translates my jokes into his language for the hearing audience. Sounds crazy? It is! And that's exactly why the whole thing is very, very funny!
With each show, the conviction grows that humor is a universal language that succeeds in building a bridge between deaf and hearing people. So convince yourselves and be my guests at 'Lieber taub als gar kein Vogel.'
Doors open: 7:00 PM