Dr. Lisa Federle & Bernd Kohlhepp - Das Lese-Erlebnis
The text is as follows:
It was diary notes that Dr. Lisa Federle brought into book form to give courage and hope to people who, like her once, had a difficult life path. Her autobiography "Auf krummen Wegen geradeaus" became a SPIEGEL bestseller in 2022. Unsentimental and straightforward, it touches the souls of many thousands of readers with her story. Her authenticity is reassuring, her selflessness impressive, and her energy and willpower contagious.
In her second book "Vom Glück des Zuhörens," published in 2023, Lisa Federle recounts experiences from her profession as a family and emergency doctor. These are moving stories that she discovered behind various illnesses as an attentive listener. The focus here is on relationships: as a place of personal development, happiness, a source of strength, as well as a cause of disruption or illness. She reflects on pressing topics such as depression, dementia, old-age poverty, and life concepts that do not conform to the ordinary, against the backdrop of her own "crooked" life path.
With her latest book "Wir machen das jetzt!" (publication date April 25, 2025), co-written with Boris Palmer, she makes a statement for democracy and against populism based on facts, case studies, and pragmatic approaches.
Together with cabaret artist Bernd Kohlhepp, the stories read from life come alive. One is drawn into dramatic situations at accident scenes, life-altering tragedies in the doctor's office, grotesque self-deception, confusing love entanglements, or bizarre sham marriages. With his distinctive style, Bernd Kohlhepp makes the reading varied and entertaining. One may look forward to getting to know a very personal Lisa Federle, who expresses her opinion candidly and spontaneously responds to audience questions.
A moving, profound, but also enjoyable reading experience, where everyone can feel a great piece of the happiness of listening within themselves!
Entry: 6:30 PM