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Passauer Sommernachtszauber: Puccini und Peer Gynt
Saturday, 8/3/2024 at 9:00 PM
Passauer Sommernachtszauber: Puccini und Peer Gynt
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Abschlusskonzert mit Lichtkunst in der Studienkirche
Michael Schade | Tenor Laurenz Theinert | Lichtkunst Johannes X. Schachtner | Dirigent Nationale Kammerphilharmonie Prag
Edward Grieg | Zwei nordische Melodien op. 63 Francesco Paolo Tosti | Canzone Napolitane Giacomo Puccini | Sei canti piccoli (Arr. Johannes X. Schachtner) Giacomo Puccini | Crisantemi Edward Grieg | Peer Gynt Suite I und II (Arr. Paul Leonhard Schäffer)
Ein wahrhafter Sommernachtszauber zum Abschluss der 72. Europäischen Wochen Passau: Im ersten Teil des EW-Abschlusskonzertes steht süße Italianità auf dem Programm. Der international gefragte Tenor Michael Schade (u.a. regelmäßige Hauptpartien bei den Salzburger Festspielen) singt „Sei canti piccoli“ von Giacomo Puccini und ausgewählte italienische Canzone. Die zweite Konzerthälfte bringt nach Einbruch der Dunkelheit Lichterzauber in die Studienkirche. Der Lichtkünstler Laurenz Theinert gestaltet an allen Wänden im Inneren Farbspiele zu den Klängen von Edward Griegs berühmter „Peer-Gynt-Suite“.
Foto Michael Schade: Daniela Matejschek Foto Projektion: Philipp Haas
Einlass ab 20:30 Uhr
Das Konzert ist bereits ausverkauft.Final concert with light art in the study church
Michael Schade | Tenor Laurenz Theinert | Light art Johannes X. Schachtner | Conductor National Chamber Philharmonic Prague
Edward Grieg | Two Nordic Melodies op. 63 Francesco Paolo Tosti | Neapolitan Songs Giacomo Puccini | Six Little Songs (Arr. Johannes X. Schachtner) Giacomo Puccini | Crisantemi Edward Grieg | Peer Gynt Suite I and II (Arr. Paul Leonhard Schäffer)
A true summer night magic to conclude the 72nd European Weeks Passau: In the first part of the EW final concert, sweet Italianità is on the program. The internationally sought-after tenor Michael Schade (including regular leading roles at the Salzburg Festival) sings “Sei canti piccoli” by Giacomo Puccini and selected Italian songs. The second half of the concert brings light magic to the study church after night falls. The light artist Laurenz Theinert creates color games on all walls inside to the sounds of Edward Grieg's famous “Peer Gynt Suite.”
Photo Michael Schade: Daniela Matejschek Photo Projection: Philipp Haas
Famous tragic opera by Giacomo Puccini in four acts. Giacomo Puccini (1858-1924) is known as an opera composer. He mostly composed at the piano in his house at Lake Torre del Lago. His first success was Manon Lescaut (1893). Three of his most important operas are: La Bohème (1896), Tosca (1900), Madame Butterfly (1904). With the subjects of his operas, Puccini was close to everyday life. Through this style of composition, Puccini is classified within the style of verismo. One of his most beautiful operas, La Bohème, is characterized by a blend of cheerfulness and drama and beautiful melodies. The story tells us about the poor poet Rodolfo, who falls in love with the seamstress Mimi, who is suffering from a deadly illness. After a short separation, the couple is reunited, but Mimi dies in the arms of Rodolfo. Puccini based his opera on Henri Murger's (1822–1861) book Scènes de la vie de bohème. About the life of young, poor Parisian artists. In La Bohème, the composer turned everyday emotions into great art. He wrote sensitive passages, with the famous highlight being the aria "Che gelida manina". This is the moment when the love between the two main characters flourishes. Highlights from La Bohème: Che gelida manina, Mi chiamano Mimi, O soave fanciulla and Musetta's Waltz, Mimi!