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RatzFatz -Show
Mehr Licht gefällig? Das Improvisationstheater RatzFatz bringt für Euch die dunklen Tage zum Strahlen – im ganzen Spektrum von infrarot bis ultraspontan. Sie haben kein Skript, nur tausend funkelnde Ideen. Dabei spielen die Schauspieler nach den Ideen und Vorschlägen des Publikums. Theater ohne Netz und doppelten Boden. Das leuchtet, das glitzert, garantiert!
Improvisationstheater lebt vom Augenblick! Ein Stichwort aus dem Publikum und fünf Sekunden Zeit - aus dem Stegreif entstehen Geschichten auf der Bühne, die Sie so noch nie gesehen haben oder sehen werden. Ob schrill oder leise, dramatisch oder komisch, ernst oder absurd - RatzFatz ist immer temporeich und anders als man denkt. Erwarten Sie das Unerwartete!
Einlass: 19:30 Uhr
Restkarten gibt es ggf. an der Abendkasse. Bitte informieren Sie sich unter 0251 39 597 791.RatzFatz -Show
More light needed? The improvisational theater RatzFatz brings the dark days to shine for you – in the entire spectrum from infrared to ultra spontaneous. They have no script, only a thousand sparkling ideas. The actors play based on the ideas and suggestions of the audience. Theater without a net and double bottom. It shines, it sparkles, guaranteed!
Improvisational theater lives in the moment! A keyword from the audience and five seconds of time - stories arise on stage spontaneously, stories you have never seen or will see before. Whether loud or quiet, dramatic or comedic, serious or absurd - RatzFatz is always fast-paced and different than you think. Expect the unexpected!
Doors open: 19:30
Remaining tickets may be available at the box office. Please inquire at 0251 39 597 791.
Improvisational theater lives in the moment! A keyword from the audience and five seconds of time - stories arise on stage spontaneously, stories you have never seen or will see before. Whether loud or quiet, dramatic or comedic, serious or absurd - RatzFatz is always fast-paced and different than you think. Expect the unexpected!
Doors open: 19:30
Remaining tickets may be available at the box office. Please inquire at 0251 39 597 791.
Improvisational theater thrives on the moment! A keyword from the audience and five seconds - stories are created on stage spontaneously, like you've never seen or will see again. Whether loud or quiet, dramatic or funny, serious or absurd - Ratz Fatz is always fast-paced and different than you'd expect. Expect the unexpected!
Improvisational theater thrives on the moment! A keyword from the audience and five seconds - stories are created on stage spontaneously, like you've never seen or will see again. Whether loud or quiet, dramatic or funny, serious or absurd - Ratz Fatz is always fast-paced and different than you'd expect. Expect the unexpected!
Improvisational theater thrives on the moment! A keyword from the audience and five seconds - stories are created on stage spontaneously, like you've never seen or will see again. Whether loud or quiet, dramatic or funny, serious or absurd - Ratz Fatz is always fast-paced and different than you'd expect. Expect the unexpected!
Improvisational theater thrives on the moment! A keyword from the audience and five seconds - stories are created on stage spontaneously, like you've never seen or will see again. Whether loud or quiet, dramatic or funny, serious or absurd - Ratz Fatz is always fast-paced and different than you'd expect. Expect the unexpected!
Improvisational theater thrives on the moment! A keyword from the audience and five seconds - stories are created on stage spontaneously, like you've never seen or will see again. Whether loud or quiet, dramatic or funny, serious or absurd - Ratz Fatz is always fast-paced and different than you'd expect. Expect the unexpected!
Improvisational theater thrives on the moment! A keyword from the audience and five seconds - stories are created on stage spontaneously, like you've never seen or will see again. Whether loud or quiet, dramatic or funny, serious or absurd - Ratz Fatz is always fast-paced and different than you'd expect. Expect the unexpected!
Improvisational theater thrives on the moment! A keyword from the audience and five seconds - stories are created on stage spontaneously, like you've never seen or will see again. Whether loud or quiet, dramatic or funny, serious or absurd - Ratz Fatz is always fast-paced and different than you'd expect. Expect the unexpected!
Improvisational theater thrives on the moment! A keyword from the audience and five seconds - stories are created on stage spontaneously, like you've never seen or will see again. Whether loud or quiet, dramatic or funny, serious or absurd - Ratz Fatz is always fast-paced and different than you'd expect. Expect the unexpected!