Einer flog über das Kuckucksnest
Friday, 1/24/2025 at 7:30 PM
Einer flog über das Kuckucksnest
Friday, 1/24/2025
at 7:30 PM
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Draußen hätten wir uns wahrscheinlich nie getroffen. Wenn doch, wären wir aneinander vorbeigegangen und hätten uns für ganz und gar normal befunden. Was auch immer das ist, das Normale. Hier drinnen findet man es vermutlich nicht. Hier ist das Kuckucksnest, regiert von der Oberschwester, Herrscherin über diese abgeschlossene Welt. Hier hängen wir alle zusammen, ein riesiger müder Haufen. Jeder Tag gleich: Pillen, Essensausgabe, Therapie, Pillen.
Du bist schon ganz wirr im Kopf. Du wehrst dich nicht einmal mehr. Du sagst ja gar nichts. Und so stört niemand das Delirium. Doch dann kommt der Neue, McMurphy, und stellt die Regentschaft in Frage. „Wer ist hier irre?“, brüllt er immer und immer wieder in den stillen Raum. Die Herrscherin zückt die Spritze. Und Du weißt genau: Das wird nicht gut ausgehen.
Einer flog über das Kuckucksnest ist die erste Inszenierung von Leander Haußmann am RambaZamba Theater. Er arbeitete u.a. am Thalia Theater Hamburg, dem Burgtheater Wien, dem Berliner Ensemble und der Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz. Von 1995-2000 war Leander Haußmann Intendant des Schauspielhauses Bochum. Letztes Jahr erschien sein Kinofilm „Leander Haußmanns Stasikomödie“, der nach „Sonnenallee“ (2000) und „NVA“ (2005) den Abschluss seiner Stasi-Trilogie bildet.
Outside, we probably would have never met. If we did, we would have passed each other by and found each other completely normal. Whatever that means, the normal. You probably won't find it in here. This is the cuckoo's nest, ruled by the head nurse, the ruler of this enclosed world. Here we all hang together, a huge tired heap. Every day the same: pills, food distribution, therapy, pills.
You're already confused in the head. You don't even resist anymore. You don't say anything. And so, no one disturbs the delirium. But then comes the new guy, McMurphy, and questions the rule. "Who's crazy here?" he shouts over and over again in the silent room. The ruler takes out the needle. And you know for sure: this won't end well.
"One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" is the first production by Leander Haußmann at the RambaZamba Theater. He has worked at the Thalia Theater Hamburg, the Burgtheater Vienna, the Berliner Ensemble, and the Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz, among others. From 1995-2000, Leander Haußmann was the artistic director of the Schauspielhaus Bochum. Last year, his movie "Leander Haußmann's Stasi comedy" was released, which, after "Sun Alley" (2000) and "NVA" (2005), completes his Stasi trilogy.
Event data provided by: Reservix
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Einer flog über das Kuckucksnest
Outside, we probably would have never met. If we did, we would have passed each other by and found each other completely normal. Whatever that means, the normal. You probably won't find it in here. This is the cuckoo's nest, ruled by the head nurse, the ruler of this enclosed world. Here we all hang together, a huge tired heap. Every day the same: pills, food distribution, therapy, pills.
You're already confused in the head. You don't even resist anymore. You don't say anything. And so, no one disturbs the delirium. But then comes the new guy, McMurphy, and questions the rule. "Who's crazy here?" he shouts over and over again in the silent room. The ruler takes out the needle. And you know for sure: this won't end well.
"One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" is the first production by Leander Haußmann at the RambaZamba Theater. He has worked at the Thalia Theater Hamburg, the Burgtheater Vienna, the Berliner Ensemble, and the Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz, among others. From 1995-2000, Leander Haußmann was the artistic director of the Schauspielhaus Bochum. Last year, his movie "Leander Haußmann's Stasi comedy" was released, which, after "Sun Alley" (2000) and "NVA" (2005), completes his Stasi trilogy.
7:30 PM
from € 27.00