Doppelpackung: Marie Diot & Sven Garrecht - Doppelpackung: Marie Diot & Sven Garrecht
Thursday, 4/3/2025 at 8:00 PM
Doppelpackung: Marie Diot & Sven Garrecht - Doppelpackung: Marie Diot & Sven Garrecht
Thursday, 4/3/2025
at 8:00 PM
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Marie Diot: Musik & Quatsch
Marie Diot ist Liedermacherin. Sie macht Musik und Quatsch, oder anders gesagt: EineMischung aus Indie-Pop, Chanson und sehr viel Spaß. Ihre Konzerte bestehen aus verqueren, komischen Ansagen und Liedern, die charmant und direkt, mit Wortwitz und Ironie Geschichten von Dingen erzählen, die so im Leben passieren. Es geht zum Beispiel um die Liebe und Fischvergiftung – manchmal passieren ja Sachen, die sind so verrückt, das kann man sich gar nicht ausdenken. Manches ist melancholisch und manches ist lustig, unter anderem ihre Frisur, oder so. Generell ist sie optimistisch, möglichst gelassen, immer auf der Suche nach den richtigen Worten und der besten Melodie, mit dem Wunsch, jemanden zu berühren. Was Marie zu sagen hat, versteht man immer gleich, denkt dann aber trotzdem nach.
Copyright Foto: Julia Geusch
Sven Garrecht: Wenn nicht jetzt, wo sonst?
Zeit ist Geld, aber Geld ist ja bekanntlich auch nicht alles. Sven Garrecht und das richtige Timing, das braucht wohl noch ne Weile. Dabei sieht er sich selbst nicht als aus der Zeit gefallen. Eigentlich immer up to date – höchstens ein paar Jahre zeitversetzt. Es ist doch schön, endlich glücklich in einer Beziehung zu sein, selbst wenn sie schon lange vorbei ist. Wenn auch mit einem gewissen Hang zur Nostalgie, wie dem Rückblick auf die ersten beiden großen Lieben, singt, spielt und dichtet er sich doch entlang an den großen und kleinen Fragen unserer Zeit: Ist diese Welt überhaupt noch zu retten, und muss ich dazu von der Couch aufstehen? Wie sehen die Helden der neuen Generation aus? Ist das schon Glaube, wenn ich nur glaube, dass ich glaube? Und was glaubt eigentlich diese Kirche? Bin ich alt genug, um mich wieder jung fühlen zu wollen? Wann wird der Bio-Müll geholt? Und wann hat so ein Pressetext mal ein Ende? Wenn nicht jetzt, wo sonst!
Copyright Foto: Mario Andreya
Foyer und Bar ab 18:00 Uhr geöffnet. Einlass in den Saal ab 18:30 Uhr.
Marie Diot: Music & Nonsense
Marie Diot is a singer-songwriter. She creates music and nonsense, or in other words: a mix of indie pop, chanson, and a lot of fun. Her concerts consist of twisted, funny announcements and songs that charmingly and directly, with wordplay and irony, tell stories about things that happen in life. It's about love and fish poisoning, for example – sometimes things happen that are so crazy, you can't even make them up. Some of it is melancholic and some is funny, including her hairstyle, or something like that. In general, she is optimistic, as relaxed as possible, always seeking the right words and the best melody, with the desire to touch someone. What Marie has to say is always understood immediately, yet one still thinks about it afterward.
Copyright Photo: Julia Geusch
Sven Garrecht: If not now, where else?
Time is money, but money is not everything, as we all know. Sven Garrecht and the right timing probably still need a while. Yet he does not see himself as out of touch. Always up to date – at most a few years out of sync. It's nice to finally be happy in a relationship, even if it's long over. Even with a certain penchant for nostalgia, like looking back at the first two great loves, he sings, plays, and writes along with the big and small questions of our time: Is this world even worth saving, and do I have to get off the couch to do it? What do the heroes of the new generation look like? Is it already faith if I just believe that I believe? And what does this church actually believe? Am I old enough to want to feel young again? When will the organic waste be collected? And when will such a press release finally come to an end? If not now, where else!
Copyright Photo: Mario Andreya
Foyer and bar open from 6:00 PM. Entrance to the hall from 6:30 PM.
Event data provided by: Reservix
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Doppelpackung: Marie Diot & Sven Garrecht - Doppelpackung: Marie Diot & Sven Garrecht
Marie Diot: Music & Nonsense
Marie Diot is a singer-songwriter. She creates music and nonsense, or in other words: a mix of indie pop, chanson, and a lot of fun. Her concerts consist of twisted, funny announcements and songs that charmingly and directly, with wordplay and irony, tell stories about things that happen in life. It's about love and fish poisoning, for example – sometimes things happen that are so crazy, you can't even make them up. Some of it is melancholic and some is funny, including her hairstyle, or something like that. In general, she is optimistic, as relaxed as possible, always seeking the right words and the best melody, with the desire to touch someone. What Marie has to say is always understood immediately, yet one still thinks about it afterward.
Copyright Photo: Julia Geusch
Sven Garrecht: If not now, where else?
Time is money, but money is not everything, as we all know. Sven Garrecht and the right timing probably still need a while. Yet he does not see himself as out of touch. Always up to date – at most a few years out of sync. It's nice to finally be happy in a relationship, even if it's long over. Even with a certain penchant for nostalgia, like looking back at the first two great loves, he sings, plays, and writes along with the big and small questions of our time: Is this world even worth saving, and do I have to get off the couch to do it? What do the heroes of the new generation look like? Is it already faith if I just believe that I believe? And what does this church actually believe? Am I old enough to want to feel young again? When will the organic waste be collected? And when will such a press release finally come to an end? If not now, where else!
Copyright Photo: Mario Andreya
Foyer and bar open from 6:00 PM. Entrance to the hall from 6:30 PM.
8:00 PM
from € 23.90