Namibia & Botswana -Tierisch gut
Sunday, 1/19/2025 at 6:00 PM
Namibia & Botswana -Tierisch gut
Sunday, 1/19/2025
at 6:00 PM
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„Nach dem Verlassen des letzten Zivilisationsposten fahren wir in eine der wildesten und entlegensten Regionen Afrikas. Unsere Herausforderung ist das Kaokoveld im äußersten Nordwesten Namibias. Eine einzigartige Landschaft, die mit ihrer Weite immer wieder für magische Momente sorgt. Vor uns liegen 450 km mit teilweise kaum erkennbarer Wegführung, drei Fahrtage, zwei entgegenkommende Geländewagen und eine Reifenpanne.“ - Der Wildnis Afrikas folgen ist das Motto des Abenteurers und Fotografen Michael Fleck. Bekannt als Deutschlands Outdoorfamilie, bereisten die vier Flecks zum wiederholten Mal eine der spektakulärsten Landschaften des Kontinents. Auf einer zweimonatigen Geländewagentour erkundeten sie Namibia, Botswana und streiften bei den Victoria Fällen Zimbabwe.
In seiner neusten Multivisonshow berichtet Michael Fleck live und mit atemberaubenden Bildern und Filmsequenzen über seine Safaris und die hautnahe Begegnung mit Elefanten, Löwen, Leoparden, Nashörnern und den putzigen Erdmännchen. Er nimmt sie mit auf Gästefarmen mit ihrer sehr persönlichen Atmosphäre, zu Luxuslodges und in die Dörfer der ältesten Afrikanischen Volkstämme. Exemplarisch, am Beispiel der San und Himba berichtet er ohne die oft noch vorherrschende romantische, verklärte Sicht, von der realen Lebenssituation dieser ethnischen Randgruppen.
Namibia, das ehemalige Deutsch-Südwest-Afrika und Botswana bietet Landschaften der Superlative. Die weltberühmten Nationalparks Etoscha und Chobe, die Namibwüste mit den Sanddünen von Soususvlei, das Okavango Delta, die Kalahari und der Fischfluß Canyon sind einige der Höhepunkte. Eine mehrtägige Wanderung führt hinunter an den steil abfallenden Felswänden zum Grund des Fisch Rivers, dem zweitgrößten Canyon der Welt. Der Kontrast zu dieser schroffen Felslandschaft ist das paradisische Okawango Delta. In Einbäumen, den klassischen Mekoros sind sie mit zwei Führern tagelang in einer der unberührtesten Landschaften Afrikas unterwegs. „Wenn nur 10 Bootslängen entfernt eine Gruppe Hippos uns aus dem Wasser beobachtet, wir später in der Nähe unser Zelt aufschlagen und nur noch das Grunzen der Hippos und andere Geräusche der Wildnis und das Lagerfeuer knistern hören, wissen wir, warum wir den Ruf der Wildnis folgen“ berichtet Michael Fleck. Das ist Afrika in seiner ursprünglichsten Form. Nach dem Vortrag werden auch sie von der Sehnsucht und dem Afrikafieber gepackt sein.
"After leaving the last outpost of civilization, we drive into one of the wildest and most remote regions of Africa. Our challenge is the Kaokoveld in the far northwest of Namibia. A unique landscape that, with its vastness, provides magical moments over and over again. Ahead of us are 450 km with partially hardly recognizable route guidance, three days of driving, two oncoming off-road vehicles, and a flat tire." - Following the wilderness of Africa is the motto of adventurer and photographer Michael Fleck. Known as Germany's outdoor family, the four Flecks have traveled once again to one of the most spectacular landscapes on the continent. On a two-month off-road vehicle tour, they explored Namibia, Botswana, and roamed around the Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe.
In his latest multimedia presentation, Michael Fleck reports live and with breathtaking images and film sequences about his safaris and the close encounters with elephants, lions, leopards, rhinoceroses, and the adorable meerkats. He takes you to guest farms with their very personal atmosphere, to luxury lodges, and into the villages of the oldest African tribes. Exemplarily, using the San and Himba as examples, he reports without the often still prevailing romanticized view, about the real living situation of these ethnic minorities.
Namibia, the former German South-West Africa, and Botswana offer landscapes of superlatives. The world-famous national parks Etosha and Chobe, the Namib Desert with the sand dunes of Sossusvlei, the Okavango Delta, the Kalahari, and the Fish River Canyon are some of the highlights. A multi-day hike leads down the steep rock faces to the bottom of the Fish River, the second largest canyon in the world. The contrast to this rugged rock landscape is the paradisiacal Okavango Delta. In dugouts, the classic mokoros, they are accompanied by two guides as they navigate through one of the most untouched landscapes in Africa for days. "When a group of hippos observes us from just 10 boat lengths away, and we later set up our tent nearby, hearing only the grunting of the hippos, other sounds of the wilderness, and the crackling of the campfire, we know why we follow the call of the wild," reports Michael Fleck. This is Africa in its most original form. After the presentation, you too will be seized by longing and the Africa fever.
Event data provided by: Reservix
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Namibia & Botswana -Tierisch gut
"After leaving the last outpost of civilization, we drive into one of the wildest and most remote regions of Africa. Our challenge is the Kaokoveld in the far northwest of Namibia. A unique landscape that, with its vastness, provides magical moments over and over again. Ahead of us are 450 km with partially hardly recognizable route guidance, three days of driving, two oncoming off-road vehicles, and a flat tire." - Following the wilderness of Africa is the motto of adventurer and photographer Michael Fleck. Known as Germany's outdoor family, the four Flecks have traveled once again to one of the most spectacular landscapes on the continent. On a two-month off-road vehicle tour, they explored Namibia, Botswana, and roamed around the Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe.
In his latest multimedia presentation, Michael Fleck reports live and with breathtaking images and film sequences about his safaris and the close encounters with elephants, lions, leopards, rhinoceroses, and the adorable meerkats. He takes you to guest farms with their very personal atmosphere, to luxury lodges, and into the villages of the oldest African tribes. Exemplarily, using the San and Himba as examples, he reports without the often still prevailing romanticized view, about the real living situation of these ethnic minorities.
Namibia, the former German South-West Africa, and Botswana offer landscapes of superlatives. The world-famous national parks Etosha and Chobe, the Namib Desert with the sand dunes of Sossusvlei, the Okavango Delta, the Kalahari, and the Fish River Canyon are some of the highlights. A multi-day hike leads down the steep rock faces to the bottom of the Fish River, the second largest canyon in the world. The contrast to this rugged rock landscape is the paradisiacal Okavango Delta. In dugouts, the classic mokoros, they are accompanied by two guides as they navigate through one of the most untouched landscapes in Africa for days. "When a group of hippos observes us from just 10 boat lengths away, and we later set up our tent nearby, hearing only the grunting of the hippos, other sounds of the wilderness, and the crackling of the campfire, we know why we follow the call of the wild," reports Michael Fleck. This is Africa in its most original form. After the presentation, you too will be seized by longing and the Africa fever.
8:00 PM
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