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Berlin macht Dampf - Adventsdampf ab Potsdam - Im Dampfzug durch Berlin und die Mittelmark
Saturday, 12/7/2024 from 1:26 PM to 4:45 PM
Berlin macht Dampf - Adventsdampf ab Potsdam - Im Dampfzug durch Berlin und die Mittelmark
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Wie wärs mit einer stimmungsvollen Stadtrundfahrt mit Familie, Freunden oder Kollegen? Genießen Sie für eineinhalb Stunden die besondere Atmosphäre des Reisens wie anno dazumal. Im historischen Schnellzug aus Großvaters Zeiten finden sich Wagen aus den 30er bis 60er Jahren des letzten Jahrhunderts. Je nach Alter werden Erinnerungen wach oder lassen die Fahrt mit Eisenbahn zu einem völlig neuen Erlebnis Speisewagen gibt es leckere Hausmannskost, Kuchen und duftenden Glühwein. Ein unvergesslicher Ausflug für Berliner, Potsdamer und ihre Gäste!
Die Fahrt führt über Wannsee und Grunewald durch die südlichen Stadtbezirke Berlins. in Halensee erreicht der Zug den südlichen Berliner Innenring und rollt entlang der Stadtautobahn durch Wilmersdorf, Schmargendorf und Schöneberg. In Tempelhof geht es vorbei am Tempelhofer Feld, dem ehemaligen Flughafen, der von den Berlinern für Freizeitgestaltung vereinnahmt wurde. Hinter Neukölln erreicht der Zug die Görlitzer Bahn, kurz danach geht es am Bahnbetriebswerk Schöneweide vorbei, der Heimat von Berlin macht Dampf. Am Grünauer Kreuz wechselt der Zug die Fahrtrichtung gen Westen auf den südlichen Außenring. Die Strecke, die einst gebaut wurde, um den Zugverkehr in den Ostteil Berlins ohne Berührung des Westteils durchführen zu können, ist nach wie vor eine der wichtigen Verkehrsachsen in und um Berlin. In der Saarmund geht es weiter nach Süden und vorbei am Rangierbahnhof Seddin, bevor es durch die Potsdamer Seelenlandschaft vorbei am Schwielowsee zurück nach Potsdam geht. Ideal für Familien mit Kindern, die vielleicht das erste Mal im Dampfzug reisen. Im historischen Speisewagen gibt’s Würstchen, Glühwein, Stollen und andere Leckereien.
Unser Zug beginnt in Potsdam Hbf. Die Rundfahrt dauert knapp zwei Stunden. Genaue Fahrzeiten unter
Zugpferd ist die Dampflok 52 8177 (80 km/h, Baujahr 1944, 1800 PS, Gewicht 140 Tonnen, Länge 23 Meter). Sie ist die letzte betriebsfähige Dampflok Berlins und wird seit 1998 von den Dampflokfreunden Berlin e.V. für Nostalgiefahrten in und um Berlin eingesetzt.
Für Familien gibt es eine Ermäßigung: Reisen mindestens 2 Erwachsene mit mehreren Kindern über 6 Jahren, gibt es für 2 bis 4 Kinder einen vergünstigten Fahrpreis. Wählen Sie dazu für die Kinder von 6 bis 14 Jahren die Preisklasse "Kind (6-14) für Familienkarte".
Leider ausgebucht!How about a festive city tour with family, friends, or colleagues? Enjoy the special atmosphere of traveling like in the old days for an hour and a half. In the historic express train from grandfather's era, there are cars from the 1930s to the 1960s. Depending on age, memories are awakened or the ride with the train becomes a completely new experience... in the dining car, there is delicious home-cooked food, cake, and aromatic mulled wine. An unforgettable outing for Berliners, Potsdam residents, and their guests!
The ride takes you over Wannsee and Grunewald through the southern districts of Berlin. In Halensee, the train reaches the southern inner ring of Berlin and rolls along the city highway through Wilmersdorf, Schmargendorf, and Schöneberg. In Tempelhof, it passes the Tempelhofer Feld, the former airport that has been taken over by Berliners for leisure activities. Behind Neukölln, the train reaches the Görlitzer Bahn, shortly afterward passing the Schöneweide railway depot, the home of Berlin macht Dampf. At Grünauer Kreuz, the train changes direction to the west on the southern outer ring. The route, which was built to conduct train traffic in the eastern part of Berlin without touching the western part, remains one of the important transport axes in and around Berlin. In Saarmund, it continues south and passes the Seddin marshalling yard before heading back to Potsdam through the Potsdam soul landscape by Schwielowsee. Ideal for families with children who might be traveling on a steam train for the first time. In the historic dining car, there are sausages, mulled wine, stollen, and other treats.
Our train starts at Potsdam Hbf. The tour lasts just under two hours. Exact travel times can be found at
The pulling power is the steam locomotive 52 8177 (80 km/h, built in 1944, 1800 HP, weight 140 tons, length 23 meters). It is the last operational steam locomotive in Berlin and has been used since 1998 by the Dampflokfreunde Berlin e.V. for nostalgic journeys in and around Berlin.
There is a discount for families: if at least 2 adults are traveling with several children over 6 years old, there is a reduced fare for 2 to 4 children. For children aged 6 to 14, choose the price category "Child (6-14) for family ticket."
The locomotive is the steam locomotive 52 8177 (80 km/h, built in 1944, 1800 hp, weight 140 tons, length 23 meters). It is the last operational steam locomotive in Berlin and has been used for nostalgic trips in and around Berlin by the Dampflokfreunde Berlin e.V. since 1998.
There is a discount for families: When at least 2 adults travel with multiple children, there is an additional discount on the children's fare for 2 to 4 children. For this, choose the price category "Child (6-14) for family tickets" for children aged 6 to 14.
The star of the show is the steam locomotive 52 8177 (80 km/h, built in 1944, 1800 HP, weight 140 tons, length 23 meters). It is the last operational steam locomotive in Berlin and has been used by the Friends of the Steam Locomotive Berlin e.V. for nostalgic rides in and around Berlin since 1998.
For families, there is a discount: When at least 2 adults travel with several children, there is an additional discount on the children's fare for 2 to 4 children. Please select the price category "Child (6-14) for family ticket" for children aged 6 to 14.
The star of the show is the steam locomotive 52 8177 (80 km/h, built in 1944, 1800 HP, weight 140 tons, length 23 meters). It is the last operational steam locomotive in Berlin and has been used by the Friends of the Steam Locomotive Berlin e.V. for nostalgic rides in and around Berlin since 1998.
For families, there is a discount: When at least 2 adults travel with several children, there is an additional discount on the children's fare for 2 to 4 children. Please select the price category "Child (6-14) for family ticket" for children aged 6 to 14.
The star of the show is the steam locomotive 52 8177 (80 km/h, built in 1944, 1800 HP, weight 140 tons, length 23 meters). It is the last operational steam locomotive in Berlin and has been used since 1998 by the Dampflokfreunde Berlin e.V. for nostalgic rides in and around Berlin.
There is a discount for families: If at least 2 adults travel with several children, there is an additional discount on the children's fare for 2 to 4 children. For this, choose the price category "Child (6-14) for family ticket" for children aged 6 to 14.
The locomotive is steam engine 52 8177 (80 km/h, built in 1944, 1800 HP, weight 140 tons, length 23 meters). It is the last operational steam locomotive in Berlin and has been operated by the Dampflokfreunde Berlin e.V. for nostalgic trips in and around Berlin since 1998.
For families, there is a discount: If at least 2 adults travel with several children over 6 years, a reduced fare is available for 2 to 4 children. For this, please choose the price category "Child (6-14) for family ticket" for children aged 6 to 14 years.
The workhorse is the steam locomotive 52 8177 (80 km/h, built in 1944, 1800 PS, weight 140 tons, length 23 meters). It is the last operational steam locomotive in Berlin and has been used for nostalgic journeys in and around Berlin by the Dampflokfreunde Berlin e.V. since 1998.
There is a discount for families: If at least 2 adults travel with several children over 6 years old, there is a further reduced fare for 2 to 4 children. For this, choose the price category "Child (6-14) for family ticket" for children aged 6 to 14 years.
The workhorse is the steam locomotive 52 8177 (80 km/h, built in 1944, 1800 PS, weight 140 tons, length 23 meters). It is the last operational steam locomotive in Berlin and has been used for nostalgic journeys in and around Berlin by the Dampflokfreunde Berlin e.V. since 1998.
There is a discount for families: If at least 2 adults travel with several children over 6 years old, there is a further reduced fare for 2 to 4 children. For this, choose the price category "Child (6-14) for family ticket" for children aged 6 to 14 years.
There is a discount for families: If at least 2 adults travel with several children over 6 years, there is a reduced fare for 2 to 4 children. For children aged 6 to 14, please choose the price category "Child (6-14) for family ticket."
Please book your ticket for the Brockenbahn in advance online at HSB!
For families, there is a discount: if at least 2 adults travel with several children over 6 years old, there is a reduced fare for 2 to 4 children. For children aged 6 to 14, please choose the price category "Child (6-14) for family ticket."
For families, there is a discount: if at least 2 adults travel with several children over 6 years old, there is a reduced fare for 2 to 4 children. For children aged 6 to 14 years, please choose the price category "Child (6-14) for family ticket."
There is a discount for families: If at least 2 adults travel with several children over 6 years old, there is a reduced fare for 2 to 4 children. For children aged 6 to 14, please select the price category "Child (6-14) for family ticket."