Schwetzchen - Talk-Show von und mit Audrey Naline
Saturday, 11/16/2024 at 7:00 PM
Schwetzchen - Talk-Show von und mit Audrey Naline
Saturday, 11/16/2024
at 7:00 PM
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Talk-Show von und mit Audrey Naline
Die schillernde Drag Queen Audrey Naline lädt zur extravaganten Talk-Show ins theater am puls. Zum »Schwetzchen« mit einem interessanten Talkgast aus der Kulturlandschaft Rhein-Neckar gehts mit enger Korsage und losem Mundwerk um die ganz großen Themen: Gesellschaft, Politik, Kultur, Großstadtdschungel, Kleinstadtkosmos - und natürlich wird musiziert, gelacht, sinniert und mit dem Fön of Future wagen wir einen Blick in die Zukunft. Die kulturelle Schwerpunkt- DragQueen Audrey Naline führt das Gespräch mit »Scharm und Espreit«. Sie, Aushängeschild der kulturellen Pro-Glam-Bewegung, Schaumweingeborene, Rohrspatz von Avignon, Drag Queen, Medium und durch. Sie kann sich nicht erinnern, was sie früher gemacht hat. Man munkelt, sie unterhielt bereits professionelle Beziehungen zum Literarischen Colloquium Berlin, war mit dem Podcast »Audrey & Dr. Anwalt« zu Gast auf der re:publica 2023 und für 3 Sekunden auf arte zu sehen. Audrey tanzt, als würde niemand hinsehen und moderiert selbst umgefallene Blumenkübel immer à point.
Talk show by and with Audrey Naline
The colorful drag queen Audrey Naline invites you to the extravagant talk show at theater am puls. In the "Schwetzchen" with an interesting talk guest from the cultural landscape of Rhein-Neckar, it's all about the big topics: society, politics, culture, urban jungle, small-town cosmos - and of course, there will be music, laughter, contemplation, and with the Fön of Future, we will take a glimpse into the future. The culturally focused drag queen Audrey Naline leads the conversation with "charm and esprit." She, a flagship of the cultural pro-glam movement, born of sparkling wine, a chatterbox from Avignon, drag queen, medium, and through. She cannot remember what she did in the past. Rumor has it that she already had professional connections to the Literary Colloquium Berlin, was a guest on the podcast "Audrey & Dr. Anwalt" at re:publica 2023, and was seen on arte for 3 seconds. Audrey dances like nobody is watching and always moderates even fallen flower pots with precision.
Event data provided by: Reservix
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Schwetzchen - Talk-Show von und mit Audrey Naline
Talk show by and with Audrey Naline
The colorful drag queen Audrey Naline invites you to the extravagant talk show at theater am puls. In the "Schwetzchen" with an interesting talk guest from the cultural landscape of Rhein-Neckar, it's all about the big topics: society, politics, culture, urban jungle, small-town cosmos - and of course, there will be music, laughter, contemplation, and with the Fön of Future, we will take a glimpse into the future. The culturally focused drag queen Audrey Naline leads the conversation with "charm and esprit." She, a flagship of the cultural pro-glam movement, born of sparkling wine, a chatterbox from Avignon, drag queen, medium, and through. She cannot remember what she did in the past. Rumor has it that she already had professional connections to the Literary Colloquium Berlin, was a guest on the podcast "Audrey & Dr. Anwalt" at re:publica 2023, and was seen on arte for 3 seconds. Audrey dances like nobody is watching and always moderates even fallen flower pots with precision.
7:00 PM
from € 16.00