Nessi Tausendschön - 30 Jahre Zenit
People want to laugh. We are human, we want to be happy and not always just struggle. But often still. And that's exactly what happens in the best case on the cabaret stages in the evening: Elegant, clever, and beautiful wrestling with the big, but also with the small themes of life. Failure as a ramp, success by chance, happiness as a result of continuous striving for knowledge.
For 30 years, Nessi Tausendschön has not been bombed off the stage. 30 years of sophisticated shabbiness, smooth high and low art, stunning dance, melancholic humiliation poetry, and beautiful music. When Nessi celebrates the breaks of life, even the soul-blind in the audience awaken from distant rigidity, then the boundaries between inner, remembered emotional reality and outer corporeal presence blur, between public and private, yes intimate, and no eye remains dry. In short: Nessi has a tongue like a riding crop as a cabaret artist, but a voice like an angel as a singer. A wonderful combination.
For completeness, it should be noted that 30 years of stage presence have not passed without a trace for Ms. Tausendschön: She is the recipient of the German Cabaret Prize and the Salzburg Bull. These awards may represent the numerous other honors with which the cultural industry has honored the cabaret nature event Nessi Tausendschön. And one more thing: Since the Böhmermann affair, we all know: Satire does have an effect, even if it's just a state affair, haha. And with the knowledge of the small cog in the big world feeling that I am, I can say with a clear conscience: I enjoy being a cabaret artist. An amusement lady, a fun-loving *****r, a joke prostitute, a jester, a fun courtesan, a fez lady, a joke bitch, a jester, a joke prostitute, a gag slut, a comical call girl, today in newspeak it is probably called "Joke Account Facility Manager".
Guitar William Mackenzie
Photo: Carsten Bockermann
Doors open at 7:00 PM