Saturday, 3/8/2025
at 7:30 PM

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Unwanted pregnancy, abortion, reproductive self-determination - the boldly tackles a hot topic and opens up new perspectives.
For viewers aged 16 and above.

Three powerful Austrian authors delve into a sensitive, contentious, and highly political issue through literary sharpness.

Gabriele Kögl puts the hypocrisy and paradox of the pro-life movement at the center of her grotesque piece, in which the arguments learned by a declared anti-abortionist founder on her own life situation.

Grischka Voss portrays, in the form of a "nightmare" with its absurdities and exaggerations, the struggles women face when they do not perceive motherhood as their individual destiny.

In Gertraud Klemm's work, the waiting room of a practice becomes a space for philosophical debates between genders. A cleaning lady as the master of ceremonies in the gynecological department assists a patient by engaging in a fiercely comedic clash with unwavering male authorities.

The three renowned writers unfold various facets of the emotional issue with crude humor and razor-sharp intellect, decisively putting forth their feminist perspectives for discussion.

Director: Barbara Herold
Stage and Video: Caro Stark
Costume: Bettina Henning
Choreography: Anne Thaeter

With: Maria Fliri, Sarah Zaharanski, Peter Bocek

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For viewers aged 16 and above

Event data provided by: Reservix

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